Hill & Knowlton Reveal Who They Don't Work For

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While Hill & Knowlton are often coy about who they do work for, this week they issued a media release stating that they didn't work for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. "At Hill & Knowlton, we work hard to protect the reputations of our clients. Accordingly, our own reputation is of great importance to us," they solemnly stated. Several weeks ago, the organizers of the Gulf Coast Reconstruction and Hurricane Preparedness Summit were contacted by someone stating they were from Hill & Knowlton, who told them HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson wanted to make a major announcement at the summit. Andy Bichlbaum, from the "identity correction" group, The Yes Men, told the conference that the department's mission was to ensure the availability of affordable housing for those who needed it. "This year, in New Orleans, I'm ashamed to say we have failed," he said.