"World Trade Center" Movie Has the Right Stuff
The New York Times reports that Oliver Stone's film about 9/11 "is already drawing rave reviews in some unlikely quarters. L. Brent Bozell III, president of the conservative Media Research Center and founder of the Parents Television Council ... sent an e-mail message to 400,000 people saying, 'Go see this film.' ... Creative Response Concepts, on retainer for Paramount, began pitching 'World Trade Center' to pundits who would not normally be considered part of Mr. Stone’s core audience. A screening in Washington last week, for example, drew members of the Family Research Council, the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and the evangelical Wilberforce Forum, along with a producer for William Bennett’s radio show ... . Creative Response Concepts has played a prominent role in promoting conservative causes" Including "advising the group Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" whose attacks on presidential candidate John Kerry "were among the most damaging blows to the Kerry campaign."
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