Lincoln Group Focuses on U.S. Media

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Lincoln Group, the Pentagon contractor recently outed for planting stories in Iraqi newspapers, is boosting its own PR efforts. The firm hired Bill Dixon, "a veteran PR executive," as its new director of media relations. Dixon previously headed media relations for "the powerful DC-area investment ban Friedman, Billings, Ramsey Group," and has also managed PR for Google and The Motley Fool. He's also worked on political campaigns, "in D.C., Wisconsin, Colorado, California and Virginia."


Iraq war to cost 1-2 trillion dollars

Iraq war will cost between 1 to 2 Trillion Dollars.

We could have gone to mars, inspired and challenged the world and reaped a century of technological benefits.

We could have fed all the starving people of the world.

We could have defeated AIDs removing immense suffering from the human race.

We could have given the best educations and maybe even a college education to all of our children.

Instead we will have another legacy of violence and probably defeat, with mistrust among our allies and hatred from our enemies.

Another generation of our brave young men (and now women) returning to try and live a "normal" life with the scars of war
lingering in their souls - with little real help or honor provided to them from the politicians that sent them into that hell.

Is going to war the answer to this worlds problems? Examine the real costs versus the real benefits .

Could we have done better than this? Are we playing right into the game plan of the terrorists?

Compare real life to sports. Who wins the ball game?
Isn't it the team that doesn't get "shook up" and distracted but goes in and plays "their game - their way" and wins?

What do we do best in America?

What are our real assets in the war on terrorism?

Is it our brute military and CIA force or our Christian Heritage, our freedoms and our economic and technological resources?

Here is just one example of thinking out of the "war box". Convert all our gas powered devices over to alternative fuels and resources within 5 years or less. Help our allies and all others interested to do the same. We gain vast new revenues, job opportunitys and investment capital while ultimately reducing the middle east conflicts and leftist oil rich countrys agendas into becoming "irrelevant to us" - possibly forcing them to deal with their own cultural inequities, lack of industrialization and education, their political and religious extremism, and ultimately to begin to act like real citizen nations of the world - if they don't have the oil money they dont have the means to fund and promote their radical agendas.

Just an idea . . .

Think about it.

Got any better ideas?

We need a "great" vision for the 21st Century. Something to really inspire us, our children and our future grandchildren.