Reporters, Assume the Position

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"Top White House officials say they're developing a 'campaign-style' strategy in response to increasing Democratic allegations that the Bush administration twisted intelligence to make its case for war," reports Dana Bash. Speaking on condition of anonymity, White House officials outlined a strategy that "has not yet become public and will play out over several weeks through presidential speeches, close coordination with Republicans on Capitol Hill and a stepped-up effort by the Republican National Committee." Liz Barrett at CJR Daily finds it noteworthy that the administration is telegraphing its strategy to reporters who are dutifully writing it down. Put another way, she says, this amounts to saying, "I, along with my colleagues in the press, have been used in the past to preview assorted White House public relations plans and talking points. And I'm told -- and I'm telling you -- that I and my colleagues in the press will be similarly used in the near future."