Viewers Say Label Fake News

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"Eight out of 10 viewers would not be turned off if news programs always disclosed the source of third-party video--i.e., video news releases," Broadcasting and Cable writes about a recent poll by VNR distributor D S Simon Productions. Out of a phone poll of 1000 respondents, 42 percent say they would be even more likely to watch a program that disclosed video sources. "If news directors or TV producers fear using or disclosing third-party video to viewers, the survey indicates that disclosing the source of footage could actually boost ratings, not threaten them," said Doug Simon, who supports labeling on a voluntary basis. VNR producers and distributors are currently trying to head off new regulations that may require mandatory labeling of their products. Join the Center for Media and Democracy and Free Press in our campaign to expose VNRs and other kinds of fake news. Visit our "No Fake News!" web page for more information.