PR Bloggers Missing in Action on Payola Scandal?

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"For PR bloggers especially," writes Jay Rosen, the Armstrong Williams cash-for-commentary scandal "was a moment for them to shine and for the most part they did not show up." The story of Williams and his $240,000 deal with the Ketchum PR firm has been "nearly invisible to PR bloggers, who, aside from a few mentions here and there, have neglected this juicy and far-reaching story."


Wetting my beak?

Never mind that -- how do I sign up to get some of that money for advocacy? I've offered my services, but so far have no takers. I can be a shill too! -- esp

PR Bloggers and Armstrong Williams Payola

I don't frequent blogs so much as politically left/progressive news-type websites like,, and, and these sites feature this scandal VERY prominently. I have written to my congressional representatives about it and to news website columnists like the New York Times and made a very big deal about it myself. I suspect the scandal may be the just the tip of an enormous viceberg. How many other journalists are secretly on the public payroll -- Robert Novak? The Swift Boat Liars on Kerry? This is perhaps but an expansion and a continuation of the Operation Mockingbird scandal documented on this website.

Better research maybe?

If you read through Professor Rosen's comments, you'd see that there are many more than just "a few mentions here and there."