Intensifying the Information War

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Media training has increased for U.S. forces going to Iraq, reports Editor & Publisher, "becoming mandatory for Army troops since October" and taking "higher priority" for Marines. The training involves "one or two hours of briefings by public-affairs specialists." Soldiers "are urged to speak with the press as a way of promoting the positive elements of the operation, but not to lie or speak about issues with which they are not familiar." Soldiers are also given regularly updated, wallet-sized "talking point" cards, "to keep up with the conflict's changing issues and the proximity of embedded reporters." The North Carolina News & Observer reported that one talking point given to troops at Fort Bragg was, "We are not an occupying force."


The problem is with these dam

The problem is with these damn reporters hanging around the military personnel. Look at what happened to poor Mr. Rumsfeld! Whose brilliant idea was it to put reporters in with the troops? -- esp

Someones gots some smarts

I guess they decided that paying other PR firms was good but we have a big PR force already on the payroll. Cuz ya know when you have someone on your payroll they have to think like you too.