Email Bombs and Blowbacks

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Christian Science Monitor reporter Tom Regan writes, "The Internet is increasingly being used by special interest groups to try and influence media to change the way they cover a subject, or in some cases not to cover it at all." Regan focuses on the Monitor's on-line polls, which, although not scientific, "encourage deeper involvement in a story and issue." A poll accompanying a story on the U.S. Presbyterian Church's vote to boycott companies doing business with Israel resulted in a "coordinated e-mail bomb campaign." Regan summarizes, "The great concern of those who e-mailed and those who organized the e-mailing: public perception." But "e-mail bomb campaigns are easy to spot, and often easy to ignore. ... Just one thoughtful, well-written e-mail or letter can often have far more impact than the hundreds of cut-and-paste e-mails sent during these attacks."