Arnold's Hollywood Hummer

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"A smiling Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger wheeled a shiny new Hummer into a hydrogen fueling station at Los Angeles International Airport on Friday in what aides called a fulfillment of a campaign promise to convert one of his tank-sized gas guzzlers to run on the alternative fuel," the Los Angeles Times reports. "However, the entire made-for-media event, staged before about 300 dignitaries, hydrogen power advocates and journalists, had more than a hint of Hollywood make-believe. The blue Hummer the actor turned governor drove was not one of his own, but a specially made prototype built from the ground up by a worldwide team of GM engineers. Despite its burly looks, it is a showpiece that cannot be taken off-road, company officials said. The hydrogen fuel pump nozzle the governor pushed into the Hummer's tank as he posed for the cameras doesn't work yet. The station is not set to open for a month."