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Friday's "Nightline" pays tribute to U.S. servicemembers killed in Iraq, with anchor Ted Koppel reading the names of fallen troops. Saying the show "appears to be motivated by a political agenda designed to undermine the efforts of the United States in Iraq," the Sinclair Broadcast Group is barring its ABC-affiliate stations from airing the show. The ban affects seven media markets in six states. ABC News "respectfully disagree[s] with Sinclair's decision." Senator McCain (R-AZ) protested in a letter to Sinclair's president: "Every American has a responsibility to understand fully the terrible costs of war." Nightline's producer remarked: "We want to remind people that each of [the dead] has a face, has a name, had a life -- and that's all its intended to do." According to the Center for American Progress, Sinclair executives have donated more than $130,000 to George Bush and his allies since 2000.