"Nayirah" Handler Hypes Iraqi's Book on Lynch Rescue

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Expect lots of media hype soon over the first Jessica Lynch-related book by Iraqi Mohammed Odeh al-Rehaief. According to some reports he told U.S. Marines the location of the captured Private Lynch. He and his family were then HREF="http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,85479,00.html" target="_blank">granted U.S. asylum. Along with the chance for U.S. citizenship, al-Rehaief received HREF="http://publishersweekly.reviewsnews.com/index.asp?layout=article&artic
leid=CA301139&publication=publishersweekly" target="_blank">$300,000 from Rupert Murdoch's Harper Collins for his new book about the Lynch rescue. He also was given a job at the Livingston Group, HREF="http://www.govexec.com/dailyfed/0803/080703nj2.htm" target="_blank">a high-powered D.C. lobby firm. His book HREF="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0060590548/qid=1066082377/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_1/104-1065478-8667928?v=glance&s=books&n=507846" target="_blank">"Because Each Life Is Precious: Why an Iraqi Man Came to Risk Everything for Pvt. Jessica Lynch" is being promoted by his Livingston Group colleague HREF="http://www.livingstongroupdc.com/corporateoverview/team/fitzpegado.html"
target="_blank">Lauri Fitz-Pegado. She is infamous for her work at Hill & Knowlton PR in 1990 coaching the Kuwaiti girl called "Nayirah" in her HREF="http://www.prwatch.org/books/tsigfy10.html" target="_blank">shocking but phony testimony on Congressional hill that she'd seen Iraqi soldiers murdering Kuwaiti babies. That stunt helped propel the U.S. to war against Iraq in 1991. Fitz-Pegado's client was the ruling family of Kuwait and the baby-killing claims were later shown to be false. The new book is well timed since it will precede by a few weeks Jessica Lynch's own book, half-a-million copies of which will
hit bookstores on Veterans Day, November 11th.