McDonald's Thinks It's 'Green'

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Inter Press Service reports that "The recent appointment of fast food giant McDonald's to the advisory board of an environmental group has drawn accusations of 'green washing' from environmentalists and led one board member to resign in protest. Paul Hawken, a well-known activist and environmentalist respected for his strong opposition to corporate globalisation, resigned two weeks ago from the Green Business Network... . 'McDonald's doesn't have the expertise, the credibility or the values to be on the steering committee of a green business,' Hawken, a board member since the NGO started its operation in 2000, told IPS in an interview." Meanwhile, as if to prove his point, the fast food chain is suing a prominent Italian food writer for criticizing its offerings. McDonald's wants Edoardo Raspelli to fork over millions of dollars for telling an interviewer, among other things, that 'gastronomically speaking, I find their meals repellent.'