Road To War Paved With Disinformation and Falsehood

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"The case for invading Iraq to remove its weapons of mass destruction was based on selective use of intelligence, exaggeration, use of sources known to be discredited and outright fabrication," The Independent writes. "A high-level UK source said last night that intelligence agencies on both sides of the Atlantic were furious that briefings they gave political leaders were distorted in the rush to war with Iraq. Quoting an editorial in a Middle East newspaper which said, 'Washington has to prove its case. If it does not, the world will for ever believe that it paved the road to war with lies,' he added: 'You can draw your own conclusions.' ... Some American officials have all but conceded that the weapons of mass destruction campaign was simply a means to an end n a 'global show of American power and democracy,' as ABC News in the US put it. 'We were not lying,' it was told by one official. 'But it was just a matter of emphasis.'"