On NPR, Please Follow the Script

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"Last week I found out that National Public Radio wants the opinions of antiwar activists -- as long as we follow the right script," writes University of Texas journalism professor and co-founder of the Nowar Collective Robert Jensen. "After the first question, it was clear [NPR's Scott] Simon expected me to follow a script that would go something like this: Yes, I'm against this war, but I know that Saddam Hussein is such a monster that nothing short of war can deal with him. Yes, I'm against this war, but now that the president has made this decision we should unify as a nation. Yes, I'm against this war, but -- in the end -- I realize that I should acknowledge that I am a naive and foolish person who can't deal the harsh realities of a harsh world.'

Well, I didn't follow the script, and it wasn't long before it was clear in Simon's voice that he wasn't pleased. ... Simon should acknowledge that millions of people around the country and the world share a radical analysis of this war for oil and empire. And they are growing increasingly weary of the condescension of liberals."