Twilight's Last Gleaming

Twilight's Last Gleaming By John Cory t r u t h o u t | Perspective Sunday 05 March 2006 Who are these people? These people who line their pockets with the lives of our loved ones? These gray men who lurk in shadows and kill the sunshine of democracy? These people who wear morality like a cheap suit pilfered from the collection plate of decency? Who are these people who have turned America into their own personal ATM machine? Continued:


What is most sad about

What is most sad about articles like these are the utter failure to acknowledge one clear and simple truth, namely that as our system is structured there is no viable difference between either of the two corporate owned, corporate financed and entirely corporate serving "parties".

The reality is that these "party" labels are nothing more than convenient PR labels used to dupe the otherwise non-vigilant and self absorbed general public into maintaining the fiction that one batch of boardroom criminals will "protect the general welfare" of the average citizen any more than the other.

Given the continuity of the many who remain, decades after decade, regardless of which side of the coin is on display for the equally complicit mass media, the elitist system remains devoted to preserving and extending the privilege of the precious few at the expense of what those inside the beltway consider to be the "herd".

Nevermind that upwards of 80-90% of all votes cast are "counted" by the very corporations who have, in recent years, graced our techno-gulled public with the electronic voting machine in the first place.

Choose criminal group A or B, but we'll decide which serves our best interests and image at every turn of the wheel while those pulling the strings remain ensconced safely away from the correspondent's mic.

No real change from the roadmap that led us to this mortgaged future, which we bequeath to our children and grandchildren - will be possible until all the career politicos and the deceptive, manipulative and essentially sociopathic institutional network they established generations ago are driven out and dismantled entirely.

Only then might there be any chance of achieving a system "of the people, by the people and for the people" (already betrayed by the time that very phrase was uttered).

The lesser of two evils

I agree with you Clandestine, but what else can we
do? When faced with a descion where one dosen't
like either choice, one must choose the lesser of two
evils. I don't have a solution to the current
situation that plagues our elections, because who
can we trust to count our votes? I think even if
we went back to the chads, there would still be
falsification of the results. But I think we need
to start turing this around at the state level.
Already here in Kentucky we plan to overthrow the
incumbents in Frankfort. If we can make a change
here, Viginia, Ohio, and Tenessee will likely
follow suit. Being the bellweather state that we
are. So if you live below Mason-Dixon, and are
as sickened as I am to the current situation.
Speak out! Even if you can only change a few
peoples minds, that would be a victory. As the
English philosopher Edmund Burke said "The only
thing necessary for the triumph of evil, Is for
good men to do nothing".