PEW Research Center: Bush a Drag on Republican Midterm Prospects
Nice to see, perhaps we can keep the momentum going this time.
Bush a Drag on Republican Midterm Prospects
Hillary Clinton Seen as Leader of Democratic Party
Nine months before the midterm elections, the Democrats hold a sizable lead in the congressional horse race and an advantage on most major issues. Democrats lead by 50%-41% among registered voters in the test ballot, which is little changed from last September (52%-40%). While retaining a huge advantage on traditional party strengths like the environment and health care, Democrats also are seen as better able to deal with the economy (by 46%-36%) and reform the federal government (42%-29%). Terrorism, and to a lesser extent crime, remain the GOP's only strong issues among 12 tested in the survey.
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We can hope...
Hopefully, the voters will take their frustration with
this Administration out at the ballot box. I believe
that the Dems have a real shot at taking back the
Senate. The House is a long shot, but possible. As
a constituent of Senator Clinton's, I have written her,
urging her not to run for President. Two reasons:
1)I like her right where she is now, representing me in
the Senate.
2)If she runs, she validates everything her critics have
said about "she just wants to be President."
Also, I'm not convinced she'll win.
I think, at this point, Bill Richardson is the best
potential Presidential candidate.