Next Step on the Road Map to Peace
The next step on the Road Map to Peace is for the State of Israel to start to remove the Jewish Settlers from the West Bank. With International humanitarian forces helping the Palestinian people rebuild their infrastructure. The words of both sides have to be match by their deeds and actions as we move toward implementing the Peace Plan. One of the major problems of the Oslo Accords was what was being said at the negotiating table did not reflect the actions on the streets. During the Oslo Accords the size of the Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip nearly doubled. The mantra of both sides has to change as the extremists on both side become inflamed with the progress towards peace.
The State of Israel and the United States have to come to terms with the United Nations and the global community of nations. Realizing the only way the Road Map to Peace has a chance is on a multi-lateral platform. It is the make up of this platform that has to be decided and implemented. With NATO, United Nations, Arab League, Israel, and the United States developing a plan of action. With Egypt and Jordan having diplomatic connections with Israel they should be the founding members with this new group (MEP) with the United States being a supporting member.
A new organization Middle East Peace (MEP) will be established from nations in the Middle East and the global community that are committed to peace and coexistences among their neighbors. The primary focus of the MEP will be network with other international organizations on implementing a regional master peace plan. The make up of the MEP board will be 1/3 Israeli, 1/3 Palestinian, and 1/3 International with half of them being Americans. Some of the same people that are on the Commission of the Old City of Jerusalem will also work for MEP.
All of the member nations of MEP agree to normalize relations with the State of Israel as a non-occupying country living within International Laws and regional treaties. Israel will normalize relations with the members of MEP. MEP will be the platform for regional issues and areas of disagreements between MEP members. The Primary Members will be counties from the Middle East Region and Supporting Members will be other nation from outside the Middle East region.
The Israeli government will agree to the following conditions with the United States guarantying the State of Israel security within their international recognized boarders.
· The Israelis will demilitarize their society and live within the conditions of the Middle East Non-Nuclear Proliferation Treaty.
· Israel will follow the guide lines (MEP) Middle East Peace
· The Israeli settlers must move back to Israel proper or apply for a Settlement Stay that will be consider on individual cases.
· The Jewish people migration to Israel will be limited to the number of Palestinian people Right to Return. In both cases the applicant will have to go before a review board.
· The State of Israel will agree to recognize the Old City of Jerusalem as an International City for the foreseeable future.
· Israel will revise their Property Laws and zoning within the State of Israel including the un-recognized Palestinian Villages.
· The State of Israel will help in the re-construction of the infrastructure Palestinian State.
· The State of Israel will leave the de-populated Israeli Settlements in good condition as part of their contribution.
The Palestinian Right to Return must be changed to Privilege to Return with two different ways. The first will be the privilege to return to the State of Palestine and the second will be the privilege to the State of Israel. In each case the applicant must apply for citizenship and go before one of two boards for approval. The Palestinian Board of Return and the Israeli Board of Return will be similar in make up with two Palestinian members and two Israeli members and one international member. The Boards will review the applicant’s application taking into consideration of the reason one wants to return. If an applicant is denied they have the right to go before the Board of Appeal that will review the case.
There should be a moratorium place on the migration of Jewish people migrating to the State Israel until the resettlement of the Jewish Settlers from the West Bank, and the settlements surrounding Jerusalem. When the moratorium is lifted then the Jewish people who were born in Israel and those who have first families move to the top of the list. Those who have citizenship to Palestine and Israel that are abroad will not be effected by the moratorium. Once the moratorium is lifted the number of new Jewish emigrates to the State of Israel will be determined by the formula to keep all in balance. Stabilizing the population in Israel and Palestine is very important because of the lack of fresh water in the region as well as developing a peaceful two state solution.
A temporary United Nations Court for Land Disputes (UNCLD) will be established in this region. This court will be over seen by the Quartet and financed by the global community of nations. The UNCLD is not a criminal court it will be authorized only to settle land disrupts between the different parties. This court will operate with in their own by-laws with the international community creating a fund that the UNCLD will use to help settle some of these personal land disputes. A balance between justice for the parties involved and what is in the best interest of the local community at large will be apart of the settlements. This court will be used to help in the reparation of those that have lost their property. The government of Israel within Israel proper will provide some land and housing for some of the Israeli settlers that will have to relocate without displacing any more Palestinian people.
The social injustices that the State of Israel has supported in the past against the Palestinian people with in Israel proper will have change to meet the standers of the International Human Rights Laws. A number of the Un-Recognized Arab Village will become enterprise zones to bring the public service up to the same stander as the rest of the other villages in Israel. With both States relying on a lot of International aid in the past, the future funds and programs paid for with international funds will be monitor by the Quartet and will be totally transparent.
A twenty-year master zoning and development plan is needed by the State of Israel and the State of Palestine that will have too be approved by the Quartet. With the International community paying for a major part of some of these projects and programs.
The case why the Old City of Jerusalem should be an International City as outline in the United Nation Security Council Resolution 181of 1948 is clearer than ever before. Resolution 181 was the first step the international community of nations took towards the two state solution between the Moslems and Jewish people. Going on the premise “What is right for one side should be for the other side too”. For one side to control the religious sites of the other would be unfair and wrong. With the recent actions of both sides and the current level of tension between the people it has become quite apparent that only with international intervention that is fair and neutral can peace and security have a chance. An international commission 1/3 Jewish, 1/3 Muslim, 1/3 Christen, with a 50% local people and 50% people from outside the region should be set up to run the Old City of Jerusalem.
The Old City of Jerusalem Charter should be established and approve by the commission. This Charter should include some of the following;
· The Old City of Jerusalem will be a weapon free zone.
· All faiths will be able to practice their religion’s believes as long as it does not cause harm to others or themselves.
· The politics of the Old City of Jerusalem will remain neutral between the State of Israel and the State of Palestine.
· The Israeli government and Palestinian government will have there own representatives as part of the International Old City of Jerusalem.
The Jewish Settlements surrounding Jerusalem will be divided between the State of Israel and the Old City of Jerusalem. The former Jewish Settlements of Jerusalem that become part of the Old City of Jerusalem will have a different charter than the rest. Most of the Jewish Settlers will have to move back to the State of Israel. With 25% of the Jewish people staying, willing to live under the new coming conditions, with the Housing Boards approval. 25% of the housing will be opened to Palestinians who apply to the Housing Boards and get approved. For the foreseeable future the other 50% will be International workers that are part of the team to bring peace to the region. The Housing Board will be made up of three internationalists, one Israeli and one Palestinian. All may retain their respective country’s citizenship.
The Israeli government will be responsible for the removal of the Jewish Settlers from Palestine and the Old City of Jerusalem. The Israeli government will establish new settlements within Israel proper for the settlers to relocate. The Jewish Settlers who cooperate in the re-settlement will have first priority in new housing and reimbursements. The Jewish Settlers that fight the changing times and ways will be handled by Israeli authorities until the agreed upon deadline. The State of Israel will be reasonable for any of the damages to the settlements until they are turned over to the International Forces.
Realizing than no final plan will be fare to all people but it must be fair to both greater societies as a whole. What is fair for one side should be for the other side as well. Logic and common sense have not been heard only a repeating of the same old rhetoric by the extremists on both sides. The conditions and circumstances combined with the religious indoctrination on both sides are what make it such a volatile situation silencing the voice of the moderates. There are no solutions that will right the wrongs of the past, only the possibility of changing the wrongs of today creating a chance for a better tomorrow for future generations to come.
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History to the Palestinian-Israeli Crisis
If one is going to try to solve the Palestinian-Israeli Crisis you can only go back so far in the timeline. The Biblical aspect in the timeline must be discounted with the exceptions of the physical locations of the historical religious site of today. Going back further than the 1900’s you will not help find the answers to the problems of today. The early1900's were the beginning the Zionist movement in Europe for a Jewish state and coming into the final years of the Ottoman Empire rule of the Holly Land. The British Empire took over control of the Holy Land until the creation of the Jewish State of Israel in 1947. The 50 years preceding the establishment of the new State of Israel to present time is the important period to understanding the history of the problems today. Historical control of Jerusalem was the golden jewel of the Empires of the old world. Today Jerusalem is at the roots of so much of the tension in the world.
Back in modern history the Jewish people are people of the world not within no one nation or region of the world. The Arab people are of nations within one region and are not people of the world by nature. Both in Islam and Christianity spreading their word of God to other people around the world is the mission of some practitioners. Both religions have different branches of faith with many having a hierarchy giving them the ability to grow in numbers of people. On a global level the Christians and Muslims have a majority in numbers and political control of nations and regions in the world. On the other side the Jewish people are few in numbers all around the world with one newly created nation the State of Israel in a region that they are a small minority.
Understanding the religious significance of the Old City of Jerusalem to so many people around the world in three different religions. The United Nations in Resolution 181 of 1947 outlined the creation of an International National City of Jerusalem section separate from Israel and Palestine. Today 57 years after the creation of the State of Israel the reasoning behind this decision is quite apparent from the endless cycle of war. Footnotes in recorded history of the United States and the State of Israel as well as many other new nations in the world are founded with terrorisms as one of the elements. If the British government had demanded the Zionists stop their acts of terror before they end their occupation of the Holy Land there probably would not be a State of Israel today.
Menachem Begin the leader of Irgun a military underground organization blew-up the King David Hotel on July 22, 1946. Later Irgun became the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and Menachem Begin became Prime Minister of Israel. The old saying one side Freedom Fighters are the other side’s terrorists. People that have no nation have no armies that are fighting in gangs and militias for their freedom from domination and oppression are labeled terrorists. On the other hand to often nations with large armies will hire mercenaries to do their acts of terrorisms off the record or they will use their armies calling it war.
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looking Forward, not backward
My solution was intended to be forward moving, not regressive. Although there was a time before the Crusades when muslims, jews, and christians did live in harmony in Jerusalem.
Some people, especially those in power, believe that conflict is ineviatable and necessary. They and weapons manufacturers should be restricted to the income an an infantry soldier.
You share some of my persistent vision for Jerusalem, that of a new state/country open to all and any who are committed to peace. Citizenship would be contingent upon a vow of peace; weapons would not be allowed; citizenship would be revoked and violators would be banished . The borders would grow to accomodate those who participate.
Present day Israel and Palestine would be stripped of all international support; that support going instead to the new peaceful state of Palestine.
Of course, the Carlyle group will never permit this to happen.
Shouting "Calm" in a blazing moviehouse
"The Israelis will demilitarize their society and live within the conditions of the Middle East Non-Nuclear Proliferation Treaty."
And, as soon as they disarm, you and your ilk will be there with tanks to destroy them.
You are the example of what Freedom of Speech is NOT supposed to protect: Incitement of destruction through deceptive means.
YOU are screaming "pseudo calm" in a moviehouse that is raging in fire, a fire you and your ilk have set ablaze. You are appealing to a group of patrons who do not quite understand the full nature of the fire but who simply want to extinguish the fire because they know fire is bad. They have good hearts; you have a twisted mind. Without regard for the nature of the fire or what it truly takes to extinguish that fire, they hope to help extinguish it. You are attempting to placate them with lies about the fire and how and when the fire started (choosing the moments that support your argument), how the the fire should be managed and ultimately extinguished. In so doing, you are placing all of them in danger; but it is critical to your strategy that you keep them from realizing the danger in which you have placed them. You do this so that they will support you in your efforts as you allow the moviehouse to burn, as you throw the wrong solutions and chemicals on the flames, making it burn faster and with more devastation.
It is a simple matter of lies and conquest. You want to take the property once all of the owners are dead. And, it is particularly important to you that the owners be dead, as you are a blood thirsty type of tyrant and you do not want any of them to be around to make any claims for the moviehouse at a later time. This is your true ideal and intent, which belies your faux words of peace.
The people here are too smart for you little crier boy, go shed your cowardly tears of hate elsewhere else.
You and the other "People of The Lie," men and women of hate, should never find a home until you are ready to act as a decent member of societies. And, you won't find a home here for your words of hate, murder and destruction.
You are a Coward, a Charlatain, a Liar and a Menace. I would offer you to a fist fight to personally kick your a-s and insult you in the public square, if it weren't for the fact that I might get some of your filth on me.
Go away little crier boy. You have no home here. Perhaps you will do us all a favor and reduce yourself to a pool of bubbles and tears, then evaporate, succumbing to your own self-loathing.
The obvious is always obvious; and, nothing is ever as it appears.