Iraq Plan for Peace
One of the main objections that many people had to the United States military invasion of Iraq was there was no defined military mission with no exit strategy. As with any major operation a constant reevaluation of the plan of operation has to be made. Only by dealing with the facts and realities on the ground in Iraq can we start to understand the problems. The majority of Arab people before the 2003 invasion of Iraq hated the United States government’s foreign policies. Today the majority of the people around the world hate United States government’s foreign policies. This is not to say they hate the American people or the American way of life.
With the overthrow of Saddam a vacuum was created in tribal society that the majority of the people only knew the autocratic rule of law. Iraq was once a prospering and thriving society that became dis-functional after the 1991 Gulf War with the sanction and restriction placed on them by the United Nations that were enforced by United States and Great Britain. The question is where do we go from here forward.
The United States government has to become more of an international team player with some humility. For the sake of the people of Iraq and of the world, peace and security must come to Iraq. First the United States must down size their military presence in Iraq to the Baghdad Airport. The United States and British military mission must be redefined as to support of humanitarian relief and training for the Iraqi people. A commission must be established to help coordinate the NGO’s and government’s relief efforts.
The less international military presence in Iraq the sooner the lives of the Iraqi people will get back to normal. The primary mission of the United States military from here forward should be to secure a Green Zone around the Baghdad Airport for the international relief workers. The British military forces will secure Green Zone port for shipping in southern Iraq. Keeping the pipeline of humanitarian aid flowing into Iraq is the key to peace and security. The Iraqi foreign nationalist must help in forming links with the people of Iraq and the outside world. Only the people of Iraq can bring peace and security to Iraq.
The United Nation and Arab League of Nations should be the leading groups in the foreign relief aid to the people of Iraq. A global effort must be made similar too the Asian Tsunami relief. The international community can only help the people of Iraq when a specific request is made. The people of Iraq must start at the bottom forming strong local governments to enforce the rule of law in the local communities. The people of Iraq need the tools and hardware to help develop an economy. Given Iraq’s natural resources water, fertile soil and oil there is no reason why the people of Iraq could not have one of the highest standard of living among the people in the Middle East once again.
Let us not continue the Iraq War over saving face. It is time to start working for peace and security for the people of Iraq. This will require fewer foreign military forces and more humanitarian aid and relief workers. The protocol of humanitarian aid workers will fall into place over time similar as in the Asian Tsunami. The United States government must become more of a team player on international problems. Only by strengthening the international platform of law and protocol will peace and security prevail around the world. No one nation’s government can dictate policies onto another sovereign nation. The natural resources of anyone nation can’t become part of the vital national interest of another nation. Only by the Iraqi people getting back to work and having a better standard of living will peace and security have a chance to grow in Iraq.
What should Iraq look like ten years from now? One nation with three to five states that is known as the Sweet Water Capital of the Middle East with Iraq’s fertile river valleys producing food and water for the people of the Middle East. The people of Iraq are helping in the international relief efforts of people in other nations. As people are to their neighbors so should it be with nations to nations.
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Clearly you are not a military stretegist
Are you serious? Downsize to the Bagdad Airport?! Well, that would make us a nice easy target, wouldn't it? Why, we could be surrounded and attacked at will by the resident insurgents. What a genius!
Perhaps there is another approach that might be more sensible, eh?
Based on your other comments posted on this board, I am beginning to think you'd personally like to be there, to participate in the American bloodbath that would occur as a result of your "brilliant" suggestion.
Why do you hate the United States so much? Why do you wish us such ill will?
The obvious is always obvious; and, nothing is ever as it appears.
Military Protocol
Dark Horse,
For a military "stretegist" you don't seem to understand military protocol. Once the US finish liberating everybody, Canadian Peacekeepers head over to clean up the mess, dodge "friendly fire" and give aid.
The "brilliant suggestion" was aimed at long term goals. Your comments of an "American bloodbath" could be seen as paranoid, but more likely you were identifying the reality that US foreign policy is fueling hatred towards Americans. Hatred fuels terrorism. There is a WAR on terror. Kind of ironic, hey Dark Horse?
Y'know, they say Lockheed Martin was in financial trouble 5 years ago.
Okay, I challenge you to explain what US military strategy has accomplished in Iraq during this war. It'll be fun! I'll time you.
PS: Doesn't it seem like Saddam is going to win his court case?
Military Strategy
Jeez Jimmy, you're all over the map here.
The military strategy accomplished the wholesale sacking of the Iraq Army and overthrow of the Iraq government. It was executed brilliantly, albiet with some deficiencies, as was the 1990 campaign.
Are you sure you're not asking me about the political strategy and the politics of the military-industrial complex? It seems you are more concerned about the political operations (foreign policy, WMD, etc.) than the military operations.
The guy to whom I was speaking is an Anti-American purveyor of hatered. I have a strong belief in checking our actions and evaluating our positions but I have no time for hatred, double speak and disinformation. The author of that garbage is no friend of yours or mine and he would kill us both, with his own hands, if he had the chance; don't kid yourself into thinking otherwise. He is a pompous jackass with a small mind and a tiny microphone, who is attempting to push his amplitude beyond his abilities by employing his inadequate, rudimentary "skill." Don't be fooled by the tin tongue of a "little Hitler."
The obvious is always obvious; and, nothing is ever as it appears.
This was not an action planned by military strategists.
All evidence points to a lack of planning and understanding
of the situation in Iraq. Remember how the troops
were going to be greeted as "liberators?" This was
not planned by military strategists, but by political
ones. And it was done to satisfy the whims of a
spoiled rich kid, used to getting what he wants. He
wanted to look like a "leader," not the pathetic excuse
for a grown-up he really is
Okay, how about this...
Once again, I was addressing the words of the little crier in our midst, not anyone else. I said:
"The guy to whom I was speaking is an Anti-American purveyor of hatered. I have a strong belief in checking our actions and evaluating our positions but I have no time for hatred, double speak and disinformation. The author of that garbage is no friend of yours or mine and he would kill us both, with his own hands, if he had the chance; don't kid yourself into thinking otherwise. He is a pompous jackass with a small mind and a tiny microphone, who is attempting to push his amplitude beyond his abilities by employing his inadequate, rudimentary "skill." Don't be fooled by the tin tongue of a 'little Hitler.'"
In case you haven't noticed, there is a fascist among us, his name is little loser whiner boy, the global pariah.
Again I say: "Global Whiner: You are a Coward!"
For the record (from Miriam-Webster):
One entry found for fascism.
Main Entry: fas·cism
Pronunciation: 'fa-"shi-z&m also 'fa-"si-
Function: noun
Etymology: Italian fascismo, from fascio bundle, fasces, group, from Latin fascis bundle & fasces fasces
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
The obvious is always obvious; and, nothing is ever as it appears.
Dark Horse: Please refrain from insults and [[name calling]]. In your postings just today, I've noticed examples including the following: "author of that garbage," "pompous jackass" "little Hitler," "tin tongue," "little loser whiner boy," "fascist," "global pariah." None of this language serves the purpose of advancing rational discussion about anything. Moreover, I see nothing in Global Crier's statements to justify your characterization of him as a "fascist" or as someone who "would kill us both, with his own hands."
Sheldon, et al.
I strongly disagree with your assessment of the words and intent of the entity in question and I think, that by spending some time and reading his Global-Crier website carefully, you'll see what I mean. I know from experience that this kind of "diplomacy of the one-sided" represents a significant threat to the peace efforts of sincere, hard working negotiators and principals.
I do respect you, your efforts, your many creations, and your rules; I think you know that. More than that though, and to your point, you are right about the rules of engagement and I should not have taken the bait.
I apologize to you and CMD for any angst or discomfort I may have caused you.
The obvious is always obvious; and, nothing is ever as it appears.
No apology is necessary. You haven't caused me any angst or discomfort. I have no problem with you criticizing the arguments put forward by Global Crier or anyone else. However, I believe it would be better for you to focus on criticizing his arguments on their own basis rather than declaring conclusions about his alleged motives for putting forward his arguments.