The dark side of US

Continue to the thread "George Bush, the 9/11 president" in old PR forum.(spin of the day) 342. Homeowner Association again (9/12/05) To collaborate the September plot, Feds activates H.A. again. Ten days ago, I received a new notice which said, "Enclosed you will find new procedures adopted by the Northvale Board of Directors for Dispute Resolution and Architectural Alterations....." It announced new "Minimum landscaping requirements" which covers "All grounds visible to the public" and "Enclosed yards". It means now they will interfere the privacy of the backyards. Of course, it came with intimidation: "Effective 60 days from the date of this letter (November 1, 2005), the Board of Directors will strictly enforce these guidelines. Owners found in violation will be subject to fines up to $50 per day until the Board of Directors is notified in writing that the violation has been corrected. In addition, the City of San Jose Code Enforcement Division may be notified in order to assist the Association in bringing a property into compliance." The notice was from: Brad Fox, Association Manager PML Management Corporation, 655 Mariners Island Blvd. #301, San Mateo, Ca. 94404 Three years ago, H.A. had played same trick on me. I had called that man Brad Fox several times and even wrote a certified letter to him, but never got a reply. (see "95. A notice for a meeting") Now when Feds exhausted everything, they create new procedure and requirement to persecute. I view that PML Management Corporation as a support group work for the Feds. What is their purpose this time? Here is another notice from City Council member Chuck Reed I received about same time. It was a free offer. "The City of San Jose is providing free Rubbish & Metal bins at each dump site for household use to dump things you would normally pay to take to the dump." The date: Saturday, September 24, 2005.(Rain or shine) Why on 9/24? Because I don't dump the rubbish. I am afraid Feds will plant in garbage to frame a case. It used to be done by my wife. But she will leave on 9/22 for a trip. (see "339. The September plot (9/2/05)") A notice from H.A. forced a new requirement to clean the back yard before 11/1. City offers a free dumping in time on 9/24. I don't think it was a coincidence. Feds arranged me to do the dumping work on 9/24. I believe they plan a framed case on that day. 343. Killing two birds by one stone (9/17/05) In August, my wife prepared a Burma trip for Dr. Wang. (The trip was in later August) Since Dr. Wang is a target of Feds. (see #242.) and Burma is a drug output source, (In 2001 secret deal between Feds and Chinese secret police, the framed drug case was started from south west China, the source was from Burma, it's obvious) I think Feds is preparing another big drug case. Then I saw most of my family members were arranged in a trip in mid-September. A sister who wouldn't join the trip got sick. My wife was invited for a trip between 9/22 to 9/29. And I was arranged for a dumping on 9/24 which is part of a framed case. The Feds' plan is clear. A big drug case is framed to break off on 9/24. Arrest will be carried out on that day. All other of my family members will be eliminated in a travel accident a week ago. To make the accident not so unusual, within a month there were at least four big airplane crash. And of course, if the framed case goes on successfully, on 9/24 there will be a big terror attack in US to distract. In former messages, I have repeatedly talk about this tactic. There is a similarity this time too. Have you ever noticed that there will be a big anti-war protest on 9/24? Is that a coincidence? No, it's not. We know FBI infiltrate almost every organization. It is said the leadership of US Communist Party is controlled by FBI. Without the financial aid from FBI, US Communist Party can't survive. So it's natural that the leadership of anti-war movement are infiltrated by FBI too. Is 9/24 a particular day? No. Why it is selected for demonstration? Because Feds arranges a big terror attack on that day. It will not only distract the public attention from a framed case, but also will humiliate the anti-war movement to prove Bush is political correct. The same tactic has been used last year in 6/19 plot. (see 6/19/04 plot at 232, 233,236, 237) Here I repeat a paragraph I wrote one year ago. RE: 236. Help puppet Bush (6/24/04) There are two events in June which I think were arranged deliberately at this time. One is the Michael Moore's "9/11 Fahrenheit" will open to public on 6/25. Which will give a negative image for Bush. If there is a big bombing taking place on 6/19 or a little later, then the film will be neglected by public. Another event was the report issued by 911 investigation commission which said there is no credible evidence that Saddam and Al-Qaida had cooperated to attack US. The panel disputes Bush's reasons to invade Iraq. It was reported by media on 6/17. This, too, could be neglected if there was a big attack taking place on 6/19.


367. China's role and the payment to it (12/27/05)

367. China's role and the payment to it (12/27/05)

China not only invested its surplus dollars in US financial market, it is also a major partner with D.O.J. in the plot of framing a big drug case. The payment paid to China is huge.

The first big one was the membership of WTO in 2001. Chinese economy since grew so rapidly that it is now the sixth economic power in the world. Then when D.O.J. exhausted its resource such like sacrifice the dissidents, it sold Taiwan's independence.

There are two big parties in Taiwan. One is the Nationalist Party which insists "one China" policy. The other one is the Democratic Progress Party which wants independence. Of course, an independent Taiwan is for US' interest. So we saw in last decade, the former ruling party the N.P. was torn apart and at last lost its regime. The D.P.P. took over the reign power of Taiwan on 2000.

But that trend changed in late 2003 when Taiwan became a chip in secret deal between US and China. (see #206, 254, 255, 293, 296)

In April and May, twice Arnold Schwarzenegger had planned to visit China. I warned in advance that he was for a secret deal with a bribe of 25 billions of pension fund investment. (see "303. April plot and secret deal (4/12/05)") He thus postponed his visit and that investment plan has never heard of since then.

It was replaced by another deal. It was Taiwan. In late April and early May, two major opposition leaders, Lien Chan and James Soong, visited mainland China. It was a big step forward for the unification and put the pro-independence President Chen Shui-bian on the defensive.

Furthermore, Chen Shui-bian's life became a chip too. While James Soong was in China, the Taiwan's President was invited to a small island country in Pacific Ocean. The country was so backward that there was no airport big enough for the landing of a Boeing. Chen Shui-bian had to take an old hydroplane in a neighbor big island. I also was impressed by the report that he was entertained by a personal sail with the Island President. There was wind. The sea was rough. The wave was big. President was wetted. He compared the rough sea with his Political life. He didn't know the rough sea could become a dead sea for him if a framed case went on successfully in US.

I didn't keep the newspaper (Part information was from TV) because at that time I thought the unification visit of Taiwan's opposition party was the only payment. I didn't expect the Inside group would sacrifice a President's life whom work for it. I only realized it when the similar case repeated later.

366. Low interest rate and the role of Japan (2) (12/22/2005)

366. Low interest rate and the role of Japan (2) (12/22/2005)

Since both directors of FBI and DEA stepped down from their posts in June 2001 because they authorized to sign a secret deal with China, D.O.J. changed its way of making secret deal. They let celebrities to promise a deal without a signature. Such like Ashcoroft in Moscow, Rice in Moscow and Beijing, Mueller in Bejing, and Bush with Chinese Presidents in international meeting. Same thing took place in Japan in 2004.

On 9/9/04, a popular anti-Japanese writer Iris Chang died of a gun shot.
Next day on 9/10, Arnold Schwarzenneger had a visit to Japan. On same day Japanese government declared its territorial water was intruded.
On 9/12, Japan demanded an apology from China.

It was an evident deal. So far as I know, Arnold had made three open visit abroad after he became the Governor of California.

1) On 5/1/04, he visited Israel and Austria.
2) On 9/10/04, he visited Japan.
3) On 11/14, he visited China. see "358. New secret deal (11/17/05)'

The first one was a "thank you" visit for let him to be the Governor of California. The later two were to be representative of D.O.J. to promise secret deals. Although all these visits were in the name of "promoting trade".

2. US supports Japan to be a permanent member in Security Council of United Nations. This will largely promote the diplomatic and political position of Japan in the world. Japan starts to work actively this year on this issue.

3. Re-build Japanese military.
In later October this year, the Japanese ruling party passed a resolution to change the Constitution. The present Japanese constitution is known as a Pacific Constitution which was done under the direction of US occupation troops. It abandons the military method to resolve international dispute. Now Japanese wants one of their own.

The Asian countries are alarmed by Japanese movement. They think this is the first step Japan to re-build its military. People rarely know this is the result of a secret deal. US media almost censored such kind of news. Have you ever noticed that two weeks ago was the anniversary of Pearl Harbor event? It passed quietly like it has been forgotten.

Japan, with its money, in a rare chance, starts to buy back its military and political power from the Inside group of US.

365. Low interest rate and the role of Japan (12/17/05)

365. Low interest rate and the role of Japan (12/17/05)

Federal Reserve raised the bench mark rate to 4.25% at the purpose to poke off the bubble of housing market. The later the bubble breaking off, the severe the economy will be hurt. But what troubles Greespan is his operation doesn't work. The 30 years mortgage rate stand firmly at around 6.3%. Because main factor which influence the 30 years fixed mortgage rate, the long term bond rate keeps in low. The 10 years US treasury note is around 4.5%. The latest rate on 12/16 is 4.44%. It's only a 0.19% difference between the interest rate of 10 years bond and Federal overnight rate. If the ten years treasury note stays at that level, then when Federal Reserve changes the overnight rate to 4.5% next month, the short term interest rate will equal or pass over the 10 years long term rate. Is it absurd?

This phenomenon is created by Feds. (D.O.J.) They drove two big buyers to invest on US treasury note in large scale. Thus to keep the long term bond rate low which eventually leads to a low mortgage rate. Because Feds (FBI and DEA) hold a lot of real estate property. Why they don't retreat from this market? Because my case haven't finished. It's also why there is an intensify day to day persecution on me these days. The economy situation is worse and worse for them.

Who are the two big buyers? China and Japan. Since there is a historical deficit in US current account, dollar faces a devaluation. It's very unwise to invest on US treasury note at this time. Then what makes China and Japan to do so?

There is no free lunch in the world. D.O.J. bribed the two countries to do so. The payment to Japan is its sovereignty.

Japan was a defeated country in Second World War. It is still under occupation of US army. Though Japan is an economy power, it is a political pygmy. Especially in military. Probably it was the only one suffered from atomic bomb. Its military re-build is tightly controlled by US. Now the restriction on Japan are released gradually.

1. On 9/10/2004, Japan officially declared its Navy found a nuclear submarine invaded its territorial waters. On 9/12, Japanese government confirmed it was a Chinese nuclear submarine. Koizumi's government lodged a diplomatic protest and demanded an official apology. It was contrary to the restraint attitude Japanese used to have. Media said the same water had been intruded before by Chinese submarines. Japan never complained. From military point, army used to keep silence at such events to avoid exposing its anti-sub ability. Then what made Japan start a high profile conflict with China? D.O.J. was behind it.

I alleged so because on 9/9/2004, a young anti-Japan writer was found dead in her car. Iris Chang, famous for her book "The rape of Nanking", was said "suicided" by a gun shot. Despite female rarely suicided with gun, there was no motive for Iris Chang to finish her life at 36. She was a "woman in supreme control of her successful, hectic, perfect life: bestselling author, wife of an engineer husband, mother of a young son, and spokeswoman for a growing movement to seek reparations from Japan for World War 2 atrocities." (Mercury News, 11/11/04) She was writing another book about the Japanese in Philippine in World War 2 when she died.

Of course, if it was done by Feds, they prepared an explanation. Media started a wave of reporting that she had depression which "few had known". Maybe when there was no available motive, "mental illness" is the best outlet. She was said left a "will" for her husband before her death. The note was computer printed.

Media also reported many people didn't believe the "suicide". If successful people such like Fiorina was just selected to be HP's CEO, or Arnold Schwarzinneger was just "elected" Governor of California, Or George Bush in May 2003 when he said "mission accomplished" in a carrier, would they suffer a "depression"? Some people suspected it was done by Japanese rightist. They were wrong. They don't know the principle of game. It must have been done by its own intelligence. Iris Chang, died as part of a payment to encourage Japan to stand up against China. Next day after Chang's death, Japan started a diplomat conflict with China. (to be continued)

364. Cover up tactic (12/12/05)

364. Cover up tactic (12/12/05)

When Feds carries out a plot, they used to perform some similar incident to cover up the main one to blind people. That's why when I saw four big air crashes took place from 8/14 to 9/5, I thought they would have a major one targeting at my relatives on their 9/10 trip.
The other reason support my allegation are motives and suitable conditions.
1. The Greece air crash. The plane took off from Cyprus, a divided island occupied by Greece and Turkey. If it was proved a perpetration, Turkey would be the suspect. And as I alleged, it also was a test of new killing weapon.

2. The Columbia plane crashed in Venuzuela. The passengers were mostly French. Since the invasion of Iraq, France is the most hated country of Inside group. Feds even planed to crash Eiffel Tower with plane. (see Anthony Carr's prophecy)

4. Indonesia's air crash. That's the most evident one. The president there was a puppet agent. He might be benefit politically from the crash too, like what happened in tsunami. The governor of Sumatra was on board the crashed plane.

3. I couldn't find any reason for the crash of the Peru plane. On 10/22 in "352. Pre-psychological propaganda" I illustrated four accidents as the work of Feds. 12 days later, Alberto Fujimori, the former president of Peru, was arrested in Chile. No one has a clear idea why he jumped on a private jet on Friday, Nov 4, and zoomed off toward Santiago from Japan. I think he was set up in a trap. He became a compensation to Peru from Feds after I have revealed the truth. Fujimori was a most wanted by Peru government.

Similar secret deal were seen between China and US. Peng Ming was arrested in Burma in May 2004. Wang Bing Zhang was kidnapped in June 2002 in Vietnam. Both are famous dissenters of China. Both had their base in US. And both were delivered to Chinese government in a third country where they thought they were safe.

In late November, media had a report that Singapore would execute an Australia whom was found carrying heroin. I didn't take much notice at it at first. But when I saw another topic "UK, US nationals arrested in Singapore" (for drugs) 2 days ago, I remembered Dr. Wang. His wife has relatives in Singapore and they often go to Singapore. He was a target of Feds too. (see "242. Dr. Wang is a target ")

The sudden rising topic coincides with the aggressive persecution of Feds these days. I worry it may be another plot by using a real case to cover up a framed case. The secret police of Singapore had a tight relationship with US'.

361. Storm is now a killing tool of Feds (11/27/05)

361. Storm is now a killing tool of Feds (11/27/05)

Back to 9/24 framed case. In "#342. Homeowner Association again (9/12/05)" I talked about How Feds arranged a trip for my wife between 9/22 to 9/29 so they could frame me in a special "9/24 Neighborhood Cleanup day". Then what would happen to my wife while she was in South east Asia?

They prepared a trip accident.

My wife told me a lucky story when she returned. The travel group would tour Haloon Bay in Vietnam on 9/27. Some big boss in the group gave up the tour with the excuse they must attend a meeting or just plainly said they were afraid of the typhoon. Only a few tourists went with my wife. But the typhoon miraculously left the Haloon Bay a day before so they had a nice boat tour.

On 9/30/05, there was a picture in Mercury News which shows a woman walking through rubble caused by Typhoon Damrey. "The worst storm to hit Vietnam in a decade. Officials said Thursday they had recovered 38 bodies so far."

I think there would be a "boat accident caused by typhoon" on 9/27 if the 9/24 framed case went on successfully. The good luck for my wife was not a nice trip but a safe one.

356. Tsunami, flooding and meteorite

356. Tsunami, flooding and meteorite (11/7/05)

Now let's go back to Anthony Carr's prophecy again.The two paragraph without picture. (see #324)

1. Meteorite hits US. A super size meteorite will hit a desert city of America.

2. Big lake area will become a water country. Storm will sweep over the boundary of US and Canada. There will be a great flooding in Big Lake area. Few boat will survive it as Noah's Ark. Besides, nuclear explosion will cause tsunami in Cuba. Half of Cuba will be drowned.

Since I think Anthony Carr's words were no more than Inside group's project covered up by the name of "prophecy", I kept an eye on "tsunami, flooding and meteorite."

In December 2004, there came the Big tsunami. In August 2005, there came the big flooding in New Orleans. Then what about meteorite? It came in December 2004 though didn't draw much attention. Here are news about it.

Quote, "Meteor Explodes Over Jakarta
Josh Pringle
Sunday, December 19, 2004

Astronomers say a meteor likely exploded over the Indonesian capital of Jakarta Sunday morning.
Witnesses say there was a bright object with a tail of fire streaked across the sky, and then there was a loud explosion."

Quote, "Unknown object falls on Indonesia
Meteor or bomb? Officials not sure, no injuries known

Jakarta, Indonesia (AP)

Indonesia air force radar detected an unidentified object falling toward the Earth at a great speed before disappearing at around the same time as the noise was heard.

Police have been on high alert in Indonesia in recent days after several Western governments reported that Islamist militants, blamed for a series of attacks in recent years, were planning more bombings."

(Mercury News, 12/19/04)

I believe it was an experiment of space weapon. A practice of a missile cruised in space to hit the target on earth. But a missile is not a meteor. Everything would be clear if there was an investigation. That's why the news drew a tail, to hint it might be a terrorist bombing. But they could make people believe that without any practical exercises, (hundreds of hours at least, I suppose) the students of flight school could actually drive a modern plane to hit any target they wanted. It's still hard to ensure people that Bin Laden also has a space weapon. So we never hear anything further about that meteor.

It's not a coincidence that both events which Anthony Carr prophecied (tsunami and meteor) took place in Indonesia, almost at same time. (12/19/04 for meteor, one week later, on 12/26, for tsunami)
Because two months ago, in October that year, Yudhoyono became the President of Indonesia. Inside group then had a safe place to carry out their experiment for new technology under the protection of a puppet dictator.

What about the flooding? Eight months later, we saw Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.

354. Another air crash to cover up (11/2/05)

354. Another air crash to cover up (11/2/05)

On 10/22, a Nigerian jet carried 117 passengers crashed shortly after takeoff. I believe it was another swift reaction to my accusation of the four recent air plane accidents.(see #352) But how could they response so quickly on same day? Because to prepare the article of 10/22, I did a google search about "plane crash" on 10/21 to collect information. The surveillance team expected I would write about their crime. To make the air crash a common events, they created another one. Nigeria is picked up as a sacrifice because it's a weak country.

In 21 days from 8/14 to 9/5, there were four big plane crashes. It was a cover up operation to justify a coming air accident planned between 9/10 to 9/17. (my relatives travel date)

The next fatal air accident in the world took place 47 days later. (9/5 to 10/22) It was a swift reaction to my accusation that the four air accidents were intelligence operation.

355. Hurricane (4): Chemical and climate war(11/2/05)

The chemical used to create a hurricane is possibly a kind of refrigerant. When the compressed refrigerant is released in air, it gasifies quickly and sucks a lot of heat. That's how a refrigerant works. When it is used in a closed cabinet, that plane becomes a cooler of the refrigerator. This was what happened in Greece air plane.

Freon was a popular refrigerant. Several years ago, scientists said it destroyed the ozonosphere and banned it. It means Freon reacts with part element of air.

To destroy the ozonosphere takes a large quantity of Freon. I think it was the result when it was used in experiment of a covert climate war. I also believe this is why Bush rejected the Tokyo treaty. The government knew they are altering the weather deliberately.

Since climate war depends on chemical spreading, how can Feds apply it on other countries? Read the news here.

Quote, "Treat of shoulder fired missiles prompts action

By steve Johnson
Mercury News, 4/8/2004

Some federal officials hope to modify US commercial planes to fire lasers, launch flares ...... fly at night with lights dimmed to foil terrorists armed with portable missiles.

While no planes in this country have come under missile attack so far, the government wants to be prepared."

A device which launches flares also can spread chemical. And how can it avoid being spotted with a chemtrail? Fly at night. All this was in the name of anti-terrorist.

Anyhow, the proposal was denied by the House due to the high cost. Then I have heard two news.

One was in newspaper. (I didn't keep that newspaper because at first I didn't realize the real meaning behind it) It said because the fuel cost was too high, commercial airline decided to reduce the flight weight. One way was to reduce the water reserve which used to flush the toilet by half.

The other one was from a TV news. It said a family was stunned when their roof of the house was broken through by a chunk of ice. Later it was proved the ice was the toilet water of a commercial plane. It said the toilet water released by air plane encountered with a cool air and froze to an ice.

My allegation is this was an experiment when a commercial plane was reformed to spread chemical. It may also prove my allegation that the chemical was a kind of refrigerant which can freeze certain amount of water instantly.

353. Hurricane (3) Chemical and Greece air accident (10/27/05)

353. Hurricane (3) Chemical and Greece air accident (10/27/05)

When I said Hurricane Katrina and Rita were created by Feds for a framed case, there were sarcasms such like "You mean government has a weather machine?", or "to create a hurricane with a fan?". Those people, either are very ignorant, or most likely, to smear a truth on purpose. Government doesn't use an oven to produce a warm weather or use a fan to blow wind, just like they don't sprinkle the water to make an artificial rain. They use chemical. (see #218. Chemtrail and climate war)

Control climate generally means control the movement of air stream. By controlling area air pressure or temperature, people can build artificial air passage or air wall, (of course, invisible, but sometimes people saw the chemtrail in the sky) guide the air mass move to area they want. Either it is cold air mass, or warm air mass, or humid or dry air mass.
Now let's turn on to the crash of Greece air plane which I alleged one of four accidents done by intelligence. It caused my attention for its mysterious situation. Here are news about it.

Cypriot plane crashes near Athens, 121 killed
By Yannis Behrakis

A Cypriot airliner crashed into a mountainous area north of Athens on Sunday killing all 121 people on board after apparently suffering a loss of cabin pressure or oxygen.

"The pilot has turned blue," a passenger said in a mobile text message to his cousin, according to Greek television. "Cousin farewell, we're freezing." "

Quote, "Greece Plane Crash Kills All Aboard

"Shortly before the crash, the jet pilots saw one of the airline pilots slumped unconscious over the controls, ...... Some Greek media reports said fighter pilots also could see oxygen masks dangling inside the cabin."

What took place in the Greece plane seemed as follows: the cabin lost pressure, oxygen and temperature.

But it's a Boeing 737. One of the most advanced air craft. And the plane has a well designed oxygen supply and pressurization system. So far we have never heard any problem of the insulation broken which caused low pressure that killed the people on board. This was the only one.

A spokesman for the European Aviation Safety Agency, Daniel Holtgen, based in Cologne, Germany, said: "It is highly unlikely that the loss of cabin pressure alone would cause such an incident. There would have to be other contributing factors." (source, the above Yahoo News)

What were the other factors? It's a puzzle. Then it came the Katrina and Rita. In a TV news report about a research plane which flew over the hurricane, I caught what the researcher said. He said he couldn't believe it that the air pressure was incredible low outside the plane. It suddenly touched off my mind. I thought Feds spreading chemical to control the pressure of air to alter the weather. If the air pressure could be created so low to astonish the researcher, (it was in open air, air would flow from other area to refill) then what would have happened if it was in a closed cabin? I thought of the Greece plane.

I think it is a chemical which is easy to gasify and easy to react with the element part of air (either oxygen, nitrogen or carbon dioxide) and developed to another substance.(either liquid such like water, or solid) Air, after losing part of its element, has lost pressure. The chemical reaction also sucks heat.

A hurricane needs a warm air mass with rich water vapor. Ocean supplies it. A hurricane also needs big air pressure difference and temperature difference above it. This chemical supplies it. That's how an artificial hurricane developed.

When that chemical is used in a closed cabin. The low pressure and temperature it created will kill the people inside it. Oxygen may be exhausted as a component in the reaction. That's what happened in the Greece air plane.

I allege Feds used the same chemical in Greece air accident as they used in hurricane creation. It's not a coincidence when I said the four air accidents was a cover up operation of Feds and Katrina and Rita were created for the same framed case. (to be continued)

352. Pre-psychological propaganda (10/22/05)

352. Pre-psychological propaganda (10/22/05)

On 7/7 and 7/21, there were bombings took place in London. It was a cover up operation to justify the plotted master bombing in US. To deceive the public that these were the work of Al Qaida. The unusual events happened in same day (July 21) may prove my allegation.(see #330)

Then Feds planned a big action day in September.(9/24) They also planned an elimination of my family members and arranged a trip accident for them. To make the accident not so unusual, Feds, too, prepared a series of airplane accidents to cover up it. In three weeks from 8/14 to 9/5, there were four big air accidents.

1. On 8/14, a Greece plane crashed near Athens, 121 killed.
2. On 8/16, a West Caribbean Airways plane crashed in Venezuela; 152 killed.
3. On 8/24, a TANS Peru plane crashed in the Amazon jungle, killing 37.
4. On 9/5, an Indonesian jetliner crashed in North Sumatra, killing at least 60 of passengers. (The above information were from news of the day.)

When I first heard of Greece accident, I only impressed by the mysterious situation (lack of oxygen, frozen) before its crash. But when the Peru air crash took place, I realize it might be an operation to cover up a coming air accident. My relatives were arranged in a trip between 9/10 and 9/17. If an accident happened, it would be easily added one more to the above list and wouldn't cause any notice. That's why I talked about this twice in 9/2 and 9/7. (see #339, 340)

Pre-psychological influence is a very important tactic Feds uses. We have seen scenes such like Lewinsky scandal, Wen Ho Lee's case, WMD in Iraq..... The recent one is the hurricane Katrina and Rita. Which mainly planned to justify for a high rising inflation. So media want us expecting a gas of 5.00/gallon because most of the oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico were damaged by hurricane and so was for many oil refineries. That how much money would spend for the refugee and re-build.(e.g. 400,000 people live in the hotels and how much that costs for one day's rent) Now these kind of information are disappeared from media. Or proved to be exaggerated. What I see is the oil dropped below $60.00 a barrel.(10/26) Why, because the framed case went sour and Feds still must keep the interest rate as low as they can to maintain a high housing market.

If the framed case have went successfully, I believe you would meet another face of media. Then you would have believed that all that sudden jumping high inflation was caused by oil and the natural disaster.

The latest movement of propaganda activated by Feds is the Bird Flu. That's another psychological war to justify a new slaughter in the name of natural disaster. Watch how the media propaganda it under the command of Feds.

345. Hurricane, a tool to distract (9/27/05)

345. Hurricane, a tool to distract (9/27/05)

I allege the recent hurricanes were practice of climate war. It was part of framed case plotted by D.O.J..

1. Motive: As I have said, the September plot planned to kill two birds by one stone. Hurricanes were developed to help this purpose. (The main action was terror attack)

(1) To distract the peace movement, New Orleans was drowned by flood caused by Katrina on 8/29. The tragic scene thereafter occupied the whole page and screen of media for weeks which at same time drowned the news of Cindy Sheehan's anti war bus trip that started one day later.

The national emergency rescue was deliberately delayed. Military waited three days for orders. The slow re-action is not only incompetent but a crime when a city was drowned. But this was what inside group needed. The delay of rescue could create more stories of death, loot to draw public's attention. The media even activated an accusation war of who should be responsible for the slow action All these aimed at one purpose, to divert public's attention from peace movement.

Of course for the big demonstration of 9/24, Inside Group prepared a big hurricane. Media blew the trumpet to propaganda that Hurricane Rita was shaping up to be one of the strongest Storms ever to hit the USA, exceeding even Katrina. And the landing date of Rita was exactly the same day - 9/24.

As a project to distract, hurricane Katrina and Rita was a success. There is little report about anti-war gathering. They checked up the momentum of Peace movement at the loss of thousand lives and hundred billions worth of properties.

(2) To cover up the framed case, Katrina also played an important role. My case is a big one. Feds has accumulated large quantity of real estates property in the case. To keep the value of these properties, they abuse the power to keep the long term interest rate low. Feds creates a strange phenomenon: all other merchandise were in low price which include automobile, computer, food, clothes .... except the house. To maintain a booming real estate market, they almost make the long term interest rate equal to the short term one. But all these are artificial. Once I was eliminated and they released their properties, all the restriction on other merchandise will be released too. There will be a big inflation in US then. Long term interest rate will go sky rocket. For this economic crisis, Inside Group even prepared to squeeze more from American people. They passed a new bankruptcy law for those potential victims of the coming economic tsunami. And Feds also prepared a justification for that crisis. When despaired people get angry, government will attribute the failure to the hurricanes. It damaged oil industry in the Gulf of Mexico and caused high gas price. Everybody will believe so because they feel the bite when they pump the gas. The real cause of the crisis will be neglected. Hurricanes would be the excuse of an economy depression if the 9/24 frame case has been carried out.

Ophelia was another storm developed around 9/10 in East Coast. The newspaper said "It loitered in the Atlantic for days, and is trudging so slowly that it should spend two days on North Carolina.", "It's been very difficult to get a feeling of what Ophelia is going to do." The strange thing is here. For Rita and Katrina, the media seemed knew what they were going to do and even draw a timing route for their future movement. Why they couldn't tell Ophelia's?

I know why. Ophelia was a work of operation team of climate war. The team worked it out after they finished Katrina and then after Ophelia, they went for Rita. The task for Ophelia was to distract, (or even play a role) in a trip accident. My relatives were then in a trip in East Coast and Canada.(From 9/10 to 9/17). On 9/2 and 9/7, I continued to warn that Feds would create a travel accident to eliminate my family members. (#339, #340). To justify it, they even produced several air crash within a month. Ophelia wandered along East Coast, it was waiting for the decision of Feds. Its movement puzzled FEMA team.

On 9/15, news said Ophelia left East Coast for ocean. I knew Feds had postponed the plan of travel accident

Feds had planned the Rita even stronger than Katrina. They even put the landing date on 9/24 the action date. But it was too evident a plot after my revelation. When in final days, news changed the tones said that Rita wouldn't develop to category 5, I knew the 9/24 frame case and bombing plot went sour.

But the persecution won't stop. It goes on. (to be continued)

351. Hurricane (2) (continue to #345) (10/17/05)

351. Hurricane (2) (continue to #345) (10/17/05)

2. New Orleans was selected to be a sacrifice.
(1) Most residents there are black people. It accords to consistent deed of Feds. Black is always the sacrifice.

(2) Hurricane used to cause damage. But that's not enough to bring public's attention. To reach the aim of distract, they need news of death, a lot of deaths. Nothing can help them to achieve this goal more than to drown a city. And New Orleans was a city fits Feds' demand. They knew this at least four years ago. The reality is exactly the same as Civil Engineering predicted.

CIVIL ENGINEERING (October 2001 issue )
Drowning New Orleans
A major hurricane could swamp New Orleans under 20 feet of water, killing thousands.

By Mark Fischetti

(3) A news rarely reported by mainstream media:

Locals, Officials Suggest Levees were Intentionally Blown
Evidence suggests there were "cracks" in levees that were intentionally ignored, questions over how they failed.

Steve Watson, September 9 2005

Could the levees in New Orleans have been INTENTIONALLY blown out in order to provide the justification for total FEMA federal takeover?

The locals certainly seem to think so, yet, as usual, the mainstream media is barely picking up on this wave of opinion, so it is left to us once again to bring the issue into the open.

3. Artificial characters of Katirina and Rita and their similarity.

(1) Timing:

Both took six days to develop from a tropical storm to a strong hurricane to land the coast. Katrina was a tropical storm on 8/24, it developed to a category 5 hurricane on 8/28 and landed the coast on 8/29. (the 6th day) Rita was a tropical storm on 9/19, It developed to category 4 then weakened to category 3 on 9/23, (as I have said, the framed case went sour so it was unnecessary to make bigger damage) it landed on 9/24 (the 6th day)

(2) Route.

Both hurricanes started from Bahamas. Both moved westwards to the Gulf of Mexico. They marched without any hesitation. The chart shows their routes are two smooth lines.

(3) Steady development
Both two hurricanes developed in an evenly step that in final day Katrina upgraded to category 5, (Rita would have)

(4) Accuracy.

In Mercury News of 9/20, (the information must be of 9/19, when Rita was still an original tropical storm) there was a map showing the route Rita would take. It specifies the location and timing of Rita. The late development proves it was approximately correct with particular accuracy on timing.

A strong artificial hurricane needs following condition:
(1) A big operation of chemical spreading in large area for days.
(2) To form a hurricane, even with the help of chemistry, it still needs a large amount of water vapour. So it must be in an area with rich water supply. .

The Gulf of Mexico is an ideal area for such practice. (Of course, the most important thing is that New Orleans is there.) Then you see two similar hurricanes formed and moved along the coast. Far enough in the ocean to have plenty water vapour supply, near enough to save the cost of operation. They gathered strength within 6 days and moved in a direct line. Because any extra day or way out of line were unnecessary which would have been a waste. (to be continued)