Poll, Bush, politics
A lip service
Quote, ""It is true that much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong,'' Bush said. ``As president, I'm responsible for the decision to go into Iraq.'' "
What "responsibility" is it? A resignation? A cut of salary? A withdraw plan?
We heard he took responsibility for the slow reaction to the Katrina hurricane. Three months later, what has he done? I only heard that refugee's hotel expense will be cut soon. Is there any plan to help then? Where is the plan to re-build New Orleans?
Now once again he said he would take responsibility of that war caused by wrong information. Where is the plan to withdraw from Iraq? Where is the plan to re-build Iraq? And why until now there is no investigation how the "wrong information" caused the war. What the role he played in it?
Fiorina didn't run HP well. She was ousted. Steward traded four thousands shares by inside information.She took a prison sentence. CEO of World.com abused their powers, they are in jail. What does Bush take for the loss of thousands lives and the mis-spent of huge amount of money?
His responsibility is only a lip service. "I take the responsibility." That's all. Too easy to take it by a word. If he really think he should be responsible for those innocence who lost their lives in this unnecessary war, and hundred billions of tax-payers' dollars wasted in a black hole with no bottom. He should step down.
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Where the Bush supporters come from?
Quote, "Men, whites, Catholics boost Bush in latest AP poll
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Bush's improved standing with whites, men, Catholics and other core supporters has been a key factor in pushing his job approval rating up to 42%. That's the highest level since summer."
Does the population of whites, men increased by 5%? Or 5% of people turn to be Catholics? If these are core supporters, how can they be counted flip flop 5%? When "information operation" office manipulates the poll number, they pick up a reason by hand. No matter how absurd it is.
Poll is a tool used to control public's mind. It represents the intention of the Inside group not people's.
Pope John paul had had a strong message for President George W. Bush: God is not on your side if you invade Iraq." This was said two years ago. So how can catholics a core supporter to Bush?
Quote, "U.S. Church Alliance Denounces Iraq War
By BRIAN MURPHY, AP Religion Writer Sat Feb 18,
PORTO ALEGRE, Brazil - A coalition of American churches sharply denounced the U.S.-led war in Iraq on Saturday, accusing Washington of "raining down terror" and apologizing to other nations for "the violence, degradation and poverty our nation has sown."
The statement, issued at the largest gathering of Christian churches in nearly a decade, also warned the United States was pushing the world toward environmental catastrophe with a "culture of consumption" and its refusal to back international accords seeking to battle global warming.
The two-page statement from the WCC group came at the midpoint of a 10-day meeting of more than 4,000 religious leaders, scholars and activists discussing trends and goals for major Christian denominations for the coming decades.
The churches said they had "grown heavy with guilt" for not doing enough to speak out against the Iraq war and other issues.
Where do these "Bush supporters" come from? Neither from Catholics nor from Christians. What else left? Only come from the magician's hat of media's poll. The actual figure may be well below 20%.
democracy indeed
Men, whites, Catholics boost Bush
...and those who run and support this site (and every other liberal outlet) hate that but have to admit- they're the minority. and for 'democracy loving' people that must hurt.
you can covertly gain control of networks, print, colleges for the last century of US decline, but if you're tribe is only 3% how you gonna really run the country?
386. More extortion (2/17/05)
386. More extortion (2/17/05)
Vice President Dick Cheney wounded a friend in a hunting accident. Though it was only a slip, media made it a big news. And the intelligence pushed a wave in internet to propaganda on it. Then Cheney's wounded friend had a heart attack. If he died, Cheney would have legal trouble.
On 2/15, Cheney held a meeting with law makers of his party (Republicans).
On 2/16, in Capital Hill, "Republicans derail eavesdropping probe". Also, "The Patriot Act cleared a major hurdle Thursday (2/16) that ensures it will be renewed soon." (both news reported by Mercury News, 2/17/06)
I think these two events are the result of Cheney's meeting.
This is how media turns a trifle into a big case. In Lewinsky scandal, a personal affair was developed to "lie under oath" which finally caused impeachment. Cheney's hunting accident now becomes " the White House bypasses media".
But is there a big liar in the White House who misled US into an unnecessary war? Is there a real law offender who violates the Constitution to spy on US citizens? Why the media turn a blind eye on the real big case but concentrate on the bits and pieces?
Don't follow the way media want you to think. Think with your own brain. The media is only a mind control tool of D.O.J.. They rule this country by intelligence and media. And manipulate the politicians through extortion.
384. Extortion by terrorism (2/12/06)
384. Extortion by terrorism (2/12/06)
On 2/7, I wrote the message #383. I talked about two strange sections of Patriot Act were particularly designed on me and is set to be eliminated in compromise. But because Feds couldn't finish my case to their schedule so they have to delay it for another five weeks.
Next day on 2/8, there was an alert in Capitol Hill.
Quote, "US Senate Building Evacuated After Alarm for Possible Nerve Agent
By Dan Robinson
Capitol Hill 09 February 2006
A U.S. Senate office building was evacuated late Wednesday after sensors detected the possible presence in the air of what was initially described as a nerve agent. The building was later reopened after police reported negative test results."
I am familiar with this. It's another intimidation on lawmakers. There were similar events When D.O.J. was pushing to pass through the Patriot Act, Senators were intimidated by anthrax letters. When the Feds want the House to authorize the Iraq war power to President Bush, there was a D.C. sniper shooting spree. So what was it this time? The answer came at same time. Same day on 2/9, news reported:
Quote, "Key Republicans Reach Deal on Patriot Act A Few Democrats Voice Support But Law's Main Foe Isn't Swayed
WASHINGTON (Feb. 9) - A band of Senate Republican holdouts reached agreement Thursday with the White House on changes in the Patriot Act designed to clear the way for passage of anti-terror legislation stalled in a dispute over civil liberties.
-Clarifying that most libraries are not subject to demands in those letters for information about suspected terrorists."
It was a power show off. When I said the D.O.J. delayed the compromise by a short time once and again, they want to show that they can make the change quickly.
It also proves the library provision is targeting at me. The libraries I had been to were just a few. So it doesn't affect them to exempt the most. The other two changes in Patriot Act are also minor. It's only a cosmetic concession.
379. A crime in the name of a noble cause (1/27/06)
379. A crime in the name of a noble cause (1/27/06)
Bush stole breads from the grocery store. When the store owner accused him of stealing, he defends that he is to save the lives of hungry people. What he hasn't told you is that he could have done it legally: he could buy the bread instead of stealing.
Bush administration repeatedly argued that he did it under a noble cause: to save the lives of American people. He avoids to tell you that this noble cause can be done in recent system: he could have applied for a court warrant.
A theft is a theft. It won't be legalized under a noble cause. Bush blows trumpet these days to persuade people that he has the right to spy on them. How can a thief so confident for the crime he committed?
1. His master D.O.J. assured him he will be supported by Supreme Court. After Alito being sent to the Supreme Court, D.O.J. totally control it. Alito's nomination will shift the court to the right. For the real Democrats, they should fight for their idea with filibuster. D.O.J. apparently will have their agent jumping out to perpetrate, despite that will tear off their agents' fake mask. For Republicans, Alito is also a threat to their opinion. Alito favors a powerful administration. That's against GOP's opinion of a small government. Many Republicans also don't think the President is above the law. Now review message "373. Extortion by scandal". How correct I point out the Abramoff scandal is targeting at GOP politicians to force them escorting Alito to the seat of the Supreme Court judge.
2. Intelligence support. On time, there will be a "terrorist attack" to justify Bush's spying program. The CIA's Pakistan air raid, Bin Laden's and his vice's tape is a prelude of this plot.
3. Media support. Today, Mercury News reported: "53% approved of eavesdropping without warrants "to reduce the threat of terrorism.(New York Times/CBS News poll of 1,229 adults Friday through Wednesday)". I have said that media is controlled by the Inside group. They used to manipulate public's mind by faking poll to justify a rigged election or other plot.
Is US still a home of braves and the land of free as media always say? Or brave Americans become cowards who give up their freedom to the intimidation of terrorists (or more likely, the Bush administration in the fake mask of terrorist)?
372. Justice Department to probe Leak on Spying Program
372. Justice Department to probe Leak on Spying Program
There are two kinds of leaking.
1. The leak was done by Feds itself to revenge at their dislikes. Such like "Watergate"case. President Nixon intended to reform D.O.J.. Then there was a deep throat to leak a scandal. Nixon had to resign the job. D.O.J. never did an investigation because it was done by itself. An FBI agent.
Or the Plame's case. D.O.J. never did an active investigation on it. Because the person likely is a member of Bush's administration.
Re: Nixon's case: (the references are two articles I have posted before. I re-post for your convenience.)
295. Who controls D.O.J.? (3/7/05)
Former President Kennedy was assassinated. Former President Clinton was impeached. All these revealed that even in top position, US politicians are under the control of intelligence. They were under the surveillance. They were extorted, blackmailed by intelligence. If they disobeyed, then they were punished by scandal, or even been assassinated.
Former President Nixon was almost impeached. He lost his post in oval office in early 70's. The formal reason was he lied to cover up a tape which might reveal his awareness of illegal campaign activity. But lie and dirty campaign activity were common among high ranking politicians. It was only an excuse. Then what was the real purpose?
In March 2002, a news helped me resolved several puzzles. It was a tape of Nixon's conversation with former treasury secretary Connally.
Quote, "Nixon Defended Envoy's Groping
1972 Tapes Also Reveal Talk of a Justice Dept. 'Full of Jews'
By George Lardner Jr.
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, March 1, 2002; Page A02
"Oh! Oh, God!" Nixon said with a sigh. "It erodes our confidence, our strength. They're untrustworthy. . . . Look at the Justice Department, it's full of Jews."
"Any place of power," Connally agreed. "SEC used to be -- all of them, those lawyers."
"Listen, the lawyers in government are damn Jews," Nixon said.
Both men agreed that Nixon should try to reduce the Jewish influence in a second term. Nixon told Connally on May 15 that he wanted no more than 2 percent of the government's political appointees to be Jewish, in proportion to the population. He later said 10 percent would be acceptable, "but certainly not 30 or 40 percent."
I then knew who control Justice department and why Nixon lost his job.
Nixon realized that there was a disproportion of government political appointees to the population. He thought it was not for the interest of US and tried to change that situation. He faced an impeach and had to resign before he could do it.
Now I know why Sharon said, "Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, to Shimon Peres, October 8th, 2001
Israel controls D.O.J.. D.O.J. controls FBI. And FBI keep Americans under surveillance, include Presidents.
2. If the leak was done to reveal the scandal of Feds or Bush administration. Then they did an active job to revenge at the purpose to silence it. Justice Department to probe Leak on Spying Program belongs to this one. It's an intimidation on lawmakers to pass the Patriot Act because it will terminated in five weeks.
89. Polygraph law makers (9/25/02)
In early June, a news said the conversations between Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and Mohammed Atta were intercepted by NSA. It said in two separate conversations on Sept. 10, 2001 contained the phrases "Tomorrow is zero hour" and "The match is about to begin.". Since these two phrases are vague one and consider NSA intercepts 2 million conversations in each hour, the pick up of these two phrases was not a coincidence. It proves that Atta was under surveillance by government earlier before 911.
Then FBI said it was a secret intelligence information which shouldn't be let out public. They are investigating who has leaked it. They target on law makers and even request a polygraph.
But who will investigate the secret information leaking committed by intelligence itself?
When the news said Atta made contact to Iraq diplomat in Czech and talked about bombing plot, it revealed that Atta and Iraq diplomat were under surveillance and it revealed the Czech intelligence was cooperated with USA.
There was another similar news release. By February 2001, NSA had broken the bin Laden's communications encryption system. What we know from the information government released is that OBL talked to his mother two days before 911 attack, "In two days, you're going to hear big news, and you're not going to hear from me for a while." It let people know that Bin laden's communication was under surveillance as long as 6 months before 911. And his communication code was broken.
Nobody could release such information but intelligence. Though the original purpose of news about Atta and Iraq diplomat was to target on Iraq to frame it linking with 911 terrorist, so administration could have excuse to start a war with Iraq. And the news of Bin Laden's intercepted conversation was used as a legal base for Bush to start war in Afghan. These leaking are as important as the Atta's "Tomorrow is zero huor" one. Why FBI had a blind eye on these leaking? Because they were released by intelligence?
The secret information leaking FBI accused of took place in early June, at a time when lawmakers and 911 victims were going to investigate failure of intelligence of 911 attack with an independent commission. It could be a trap set up by intelligence. They use this method to retaliate, or extort law makers to avoid investigation on their own flaw or crime. Or try to reach a compromise.
If we don't know these "secrecy", we will believe what government said that they had known nothing before 911 attack. "Secret" is only a stonewall they used to cover up their corruption.
380. What an "eavesdropping" really mean.(1/27/06)
380. What an "eavesdropping" really mean.(1/27/06)
Do you think the agents only limit to eavesdrop your phone? Do you expect terrorist will say, "You bomb the Golden gate bridge tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock" in communication? It maybe words such like, "Tomorrow will be zero hour. The real match will begin." But was it more likely about a football match or a boxing show? How do you save lives by listen to these vague words? If you think with brain, you know the matter is not that simple limited only to a secret "eavesdropping".
A warrant of "eavesdropping" means much more. With it agents can start a search on "suspects". A search on your home, your financial records, tracing, interview your friends.... This is something government and media never tell you.
To my experience it means much more. The harassing in Internet. The car trouble. Feds create car trouble so they can install instrument in the car to eavesdrop or tracking when you send it for repair. Feds block the drainage to create a flooding to see if you have valuable things to hide, property problem..... Finally, to prove they are correct, Feds plant, frame, murder to eliminate evidence.
A lot of people may have encountered such problem without aware of truth because Feds are professional criminals. But our founding father know the danger of power abusing from internal. They made the Constitution to protect us from the corrupt official. That's why a court search warrant is so strict which demands evidence.
D.O.J. uses a beautiful decoration to violate the law. If it succeeds, the foundational Constitution bypassed. Civil rights will be seriously damaged. Terrorists may kill a few people but can't rob the freedom from Americans. Bush is worse, he took away the civil rights from all citizens. He is more dangerous than the terrorist.
377. Bin Laden acts on behalf of Bush (1/22/06)
377. Bin Laden acts on behalf of Bush (1/22/06)
Bin Laden's new tape is obviously a disinformation made from Bush's "Psychological manipulating office". On the purpose to smear anti war movement.
Read the following words from bin Landen. It's almost what Bush administration and its spokesman McClellan wanted to discredit their critics: "Un patriot, help enemy..."
Re: "The voice on the tape said he was directing his message to the American people after polls showed that "an overwhelming majority of you want the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq but (Bush) opposed that desire."
He said insurgents were winning the conflict in Iraq and warned that security measures in the West and the United States could not prevent attacks there."
This is exactly what Bush group needed.
Consider Bin Laden always responded to Bush's needs: when Bush wanted to start war in Mid-east, there was 911. Be aware 911 was activated eight months after Bush was selected to be the president. And this time, when Bush is revealed to spy on its citizens without court approval, and may face an impeach, Bin Laden comes out again to help. "I, the terrorist is here. Bush is right to start war against me. If you oppose this war and Patriot Act, you are helping me and Al Qaida."
See how he reacts just on time as if he has got an order from Bush.
Be careful there will be another terror attack, manipulated by US intelligence in the name of Al Qaida. Just like 911, Bali bombing..... This time is to save their puppet Bush and Patriot Act (which will expire in two weeks.)
371. The revenge of D.O.J.
371. The revenge of D.O.J. (1/7/06)
Bush is only a puppet. When his illegal activity was revealed, his master jumped out to protect. Instead of investigating Bush's unconstitutional action, Justice Department starts to probe the leak of spying program.
It seems they assume nobody knows that US government is eavesdropping on its citizens. As a matter of fact, it's a common sense that FBI and other intelligence are spying on us in a broad range. We know there are Carnivore, Echolon..... There are so many information about secret eavesdropping. Have you ever seen the investigation from D.O.J.? The money spent on secret spying is huge. Are these enormous organization only deal with a few Al Qaide? It's a joke to think that Al Qaida won't alert that they may under surveillance if they communicate with an electronic system. Even innocent Muslim and non Muslim Americans would think their communication be intercepted by big brother.
What the leak of spying program will hurt? It only proves the long existing suspicion of secret spying is true. That Bush did something illegal.(unconstitutional).
The following is an information known by public. The time is Jan. 1st 2001. Such kind of knowledge was common sense. Similar information were popular in internet then. But it didn't point to Bush and D.O.J.. So nothing happened. Now D.O.J. jump their feet on the leak of "secret spying". Is that funny?
Illustration by Paul DiMare
Published on: January 1, 2001
The secret is out. Two powerful intelligence gathering tools that the United States created to eavesdrop on Soviet leaders and to track KGB spies are now being used to monitor Americans. One system, known as Echelon, intercepts and analyzes telephone calls, faxes and e-mail sent to and from the United States. The other system, Tempest, can secretly read the displays on personal computers, cash registers and automatic teller machines, from as far as a half mile away. Although the inner workings of both systems remain classified, fueling exaggerated claims about their capabilities on Internet sites, credible detail has at last begun to emerge. It comes chiefly from foreign governments that began investigating American surveillance activities after discovering that the Echelon system had been used to spy on their defense contractors. From those documents it is possible to obtain the first accurate view of the threats high-tech spying poses to our right to privacy. We think you will agree it also creates a real and present threat to our freedom.
The Truth Will Set You Free But Only If You Choose To Believe It
kathaksung wrote:
Quote, ""It is true that much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong,'' Bush said. ``As president, I'm responsible for the decision to go into Iraq.''
My response:
I wondered what he means by this since Congress is the won who declares war and the President’s power as commander and chief is limited if they choose not to. Then there is this nonsense that Bush fed them false information. The last I heard Congress also had the power to have hearing and is not required to rely on the information supplied by the President and his administration. What were the Democrat to intimidated to seek an alternative source of information. Someone had better remind the people of the United States how their political process works before the President is informally granted the power to declare war by the un-American evolving constitution radicals.
kathaksung wrote:
We heard he took responsibility for the slow reaction to the Katrina hurricane. Three months later, what has he done? I only heard that refugee's hotel expense will be cut soon. Is there any plan to help then? Where is the plan to re-build New Orleans?
My response:
You have selective hearing as other political figures such as the Democrat Governor of Louisiana also claimed responsible. I personally think the federal government is biting off more than they can chew by making promises to rebuild New Orleans. Thanks to the high level of socialism and military spending in the United States the “free” country of China and others own our mortgage contract.
It is certain that bureaucracy caused the slow response to Katrina. I heard complaints from our allies who attempted to aid us and also from individuals and groups trying to aid the refugees stranded or driven out by Katrina. I suspicion that the difference in government philosophies between the Republican and Democratic parties did not help any. The Democrats believe the federal government should be the organizer while the Republicans believe the state and local government should.
kathaksung wrote:
Fiorina didn't run HP well. She was ousted. Steward traded four thousands shares by inside information. She took a prison sentence. CEO of World.com abused their powers, they are in jail. What does Bush take for the loss of thousands lives and the miss-spent of huge amount of money?
My response:
Now you are not only way out on a limb you are not even in the same political system. We elect our President in the United States every four years and if we feel he/she did a poor job we either choose not to vote or vote against him/her. If illegal activity is suspected there is an impeachment proceedings such as were done against Clinton when he was accused of committing a serious felony.
kathaksung wrote:
And why until now there is no investigation how the "wrong information" caused the war. What the role he played in it?
My response:
Did you ever hear of the 9/11 committee. Well the same sources of the bad information that failed to warn us of that attack was the same sources used to justify war on Iraq. We call it our Intelligence services and their quality has been lacking for years. Supposedly they repaired it but I will believe it when I see it.
To continue the fight to insure the blessing of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for ourselves and our children yet unborn is the mark of a true American Patriot.
Quote, "You have selective
Quote, "You have selective hearing as other political figures such as the Democrat Governor of Louisiana also claimed responsible.
You distract. I talk about President Bush. Will a police let the thief leaving because he can't catch other thieves?
Quote, "Now you are not only way out on a limb you are not even in the same political system. We elect our President in the United States every four years and if we feel he/she did a poor job we either choose not to vote or vote against him/her. If illegal activity is suspected there is an impeachment proceedings such as were done against Clinton when he was accused of committing a serious felony. "
So lie to cover a personal affair is more serious than to lie the whole country for an unjust war? There is hypocrisy here.
368. Pirates the Constitution right (1/2/06)
368. Pirates the Constitution right (1/2/06)
Bush defended his domestic eavesdropping program was "targeted known Al-Qaida members or associates and involved intercepts of only a few numbers in the US." This is a quibble.
1. If it was about Al Qaida, why bypassed FISA? FISA warrant is easy to get.
And there is reason to believe Al Qaida was under surveillance already. What is the work for CIA? How do they spend the huge budget on intelligence? Consider Al Qaida is illegal in every country and was in escape in caves. (what government said)
2. Who gave Bush the right to ride over the Constitution? Secret eavesdropping means unreasonable search and seizure which is against 4th Amendment. When the administration authorize themselves the right to search and arrest, then what's the difference from a totalitarian? Bush will be the similar figure like Saddam.
3. Bush is a villain who used to extort people by "terrorist". He had intimidated US into an unjust war by "WMD", "imminent danger". He now blackmails Americans by "saving their lives". Step by step, he rips off the civil right from American people and turns US into a totalitarian country.
4. Beware of another "terror attack" activated by Bush's group to justify his illegal action.
369. D.O.J. wants unlimited power (1/2/06)
Though Bush tries to put the argument in the name of "we are in the war, saving American's lives", his real purpose is to legalize unreasonable search. The real commander behind him is the Department of Justice.
1) US citizens are protected by the Constitution. If government wants to put you under surveillance, they must apply for a warrant from the court with evidence.
2) FISA(Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) is in low standard. Government can apply a warrant based on suspicion not evidence. But there is a wall to prevent it to be used in domestic criminal case. Because there is big difference between suspicion and evidence. And we have seen how D.O.J. hates this wall and activated waves of attack on it.
3) What happens now is government even abandon the court system and issue warrant by themselves. That's how Bush authorizes the domestic eavesdropping. If that goes through, then it's a totalitarian. The government can do what they want to do. There is no check and balance to this power. America loses it's principle of foundation.
You will understand a series events happened recently if you read the above analysis. Why a FISA judge resigned to protest. Why Bush defended his spying policy again and again. Why D.O.J. hastily start to probe the leak on spying program.
A typical sample is Padilla's case. Padilla was held without charge for three years. Now government dropped former "dirty bomb" allegation and tried to deliver him to domestic criminal court with other charges. A typical "arrest without evidence" then to transfer him to a domestic court which needs evidence to arrest. D.O.J. tried to establish a case to break the wall which is set to protect American people.
370. The corrupt D.O.J. attacks (1/2/06)
The purpose of 4th Amendment is to protect people from evil activities (set up, plant) of corruptive law enforcement agent.
If corrupt official plant fake evidence at your home. (gun, drugs) And asked for a search warranty. Judge would asked him for evidence. The corrupt official couldn't say:" Because I suspect it." That's how domestic criminal law requires. It depends on Evidence not suspicion.
The official also couldn't say, "I knew it because I had a search already." That's unreasonable search. (warrantless search) It's illegal.
FISA standard is low. Law enforcement official can request a warrant on suspicion not evidence. But there is a wall to forbid it be used in domestic criminal law. Otherwise 4th amendment will mean nothing.
Corrupt officials plant fake evidence at your home. Then apply a warrant from FISA. Say they suspect you are a terrorist. They get a warrant then found the "evidence"(gun, drug) at your home. That's how the 4th Amendment bypassed. A foreign intelligence method is used in domestic criminal law. Though D.O.J. said Patriot Act gave them such privilege, there is at least a FISA court watch their behavior.
Now they even don't need a FISA approval. They authorize themselves the right to search and arrest. To give the order to search in name of save lives of citizens. Is it for "security" or rather, abusing power? When it goes, the Constitution means nothing. It allows unlimited power of police search and arrest. (to be continued)
The Right To Life Trumps The Right To Liberty
Before you run off with your mouth and decide what is and is not Constitutional your might want to read the Constitution. You may also want to here more details about the action which constitutionality you are checking. The Constitution only protects the rights of citizens of the United States under the jurisdiction of the United States. So as long as the individuals whose communication in not an American or is not in the jurisdiction of America their communications can legally be bugged. There are justification for a warrantless searches. I have no ideal if these situations that occurred meet any of this criteria because the details have not been let out. The security letters of the Patriot Act have me more concerned. But they are a minor breach of the Constitution when compared with the Democrats and their pro-choice allies denying the blessings of liberty to the posterity of American citizens by deliberately and arbitrarily killing them through abortion.
To continue the fight to insure the blessing of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for ourselves and our children yet unborn is the mark of a true American Patriot.
You need to check your facts, Kerwin
Besides the fact that the abortion comment has
nothing to do with the discussion at hand, you need
to take a good look at the Constitution. Nowhere in
that most amazing document are the rights of the "unborn"
protected. Fact is, until you're born, you are not a
citizen. The Constitution is silent on it. I have
little doubt that with the new Justices on the Supreme
Court that Roe v Wade will be history, but it won't
matter. It will fall to the states, and many will
preserve Choice. Those that don't will likely see a
rise in the number of unwed mothers, the poverty rate,
and fatality rates in young women, because making
abortion illegal will not stop it. Anybody with half
a brain knows that. Of course, it seems to me that
the only lives that matter to most "right-to-lifers"
are the fetuses. Not the women who carry them, who
are obviously "sinners." Not the babies, once they're
born. (Ever notice how folks who think welfare should
be reformed, and even eliminated tend to be "Pro-Life?)
Certainly not the doctors who provide women with a
legal medical procedure. Some folks seem to believe they
deserve to be killed. That's real "Pro-Life," isn't it?
Oh, and in response to the part about who the
Constitution protects? My understanding is that one
end of these wiretaps is within the United States.
Therefore, any warrantless wiretap is a violation of
the 4th Amendment which says:
The right of the people to be secure in their
persons, houses, papers, and effects, against
unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be
violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon
probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation,
and particularly describing the place to be
searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
The government has a court to go to to obtain a
warrant, yet the Administration chose to not do so.
There is no way to defend this. They broke tha law.
President Bush Job Approval
President Bush Job Approval (12/23/05)
Quote, "Updated Daily by Noon Eastern
Friday December 23, 2005--Fifty percent (50%) of American adults approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his role as President. That's up six points since the President's speech on Sunday night."
A typical mind control through media. How easy they manipulate a poll number to reach their goal.
An incompetent President who didn't know how to deal a disaster caused by hurricane. A totalitrian ruler who despites the civil liberty and monitor its own citizens. He is responsible for an unnecessary war which caused a huge loss of lives. Yet it's so easy to award him a ten points raise in poll.
Why? Because Feds (D.O.J.) wants to permanent the Patriot Act. They need a strong puppet President to support it. So they strengthen him with a rigged poll number.
Not only this. Insurgence and terrorist are cooperated too. Have you ever heard any "sucide" bombing recently? Or US soldiers' casulty? Either insurgence cooperated with puppet Iraqi government, or US media have censored the bad news to give you an expression there is a successful election in Iraq. The purpose is to support the notorious Bush.
The inside group used to extort by terror attack. With 911 and anthrax attack they got Patriot Act. With insurgence they find excuse to stay in Iraq until the next mid-east war. It's not a news that the controlled media issue government favourable articles and rigged poll produced by "information operation office".
This is why there is a peaceful Iraq these days(until now when I wrote this article) and several rigged poll to promote the President. Include this sudden jump approve rate.
Another poll by MSN at same time, 85% want Bush impeached.
Do you believe President Bush's actions justify impeachment?
* 134522 responses Yes, between the secret spying, the deceptions leading to war and more, there is plenty to justify putting him on trial. 85%
No, like any president, he has made a few missteps, but nothing approaching "high crimes and misdemeanors." 5%
No, the man has done absolutely nothing wrong. Impeachment would just be a political lynching. 8%
I don't know. 2%