I'm a C-SPAN junkie and watch many other left and right talkshows and websites.
I can't help but laugh in the faces of all the republicans calling in and screaming about "gimme my income tax money back."
For their whining is truly laughable. Cause guess which political party in 1908 gave us our modern day income tax.
You guessed it. The republicans. republicans want to tear my head off when I post the following message to them on their websites:
"In 1908 under republican president William Howard Taft, house leader republican "Uncle" Joe Cannon, and a house and senate completely under control of a republican congress, that proposed, voted for, had our federal income tax signed into law by Taft, giving us our modern day income tax." (Note: They can argue with me but they can't change history texts.)
The 1908 federal income tax law was not ratified by the states for several years, 1915 I think it was, and only after Democrat Woodrow Wilson became president, and both houses of congress were retaken by the Democrats in a landslide victory in 1910 if memory serves correct.
Now as far as I'm concerned the republicans can call the democrats and us independents anything they want and they are in main, just ignorant enough to do just that.
But when it comes to federal income tax, who to blame for it, and whining about it... they just need to look in the mirror cause there is where they will find all the answers...the ghost of the 1908 GOOD OLE BOY G O P will be staring back in their faces. Uhhhh..I'm the one in the far back center of their mirrors laughing my head off at them.
Tom Pearson
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Cut Spending And Tax Deductions Instead Of Raising Taxes
I vote Republican because there is no way you can obey the U.S. Constitution and insure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity and still advocate the killing of that same posterity through abortion. I do not agree with them on a good share of items but considering the Democrats hate the ideals this nation was founded on, I have no where else to go.
Taxes have always been an issue in the United States. We chose to rebel against Great Britain because of taxes they felt were justly leveled. Our fore fathers cried for security from the French and Indians but were reluctant to foot the bill and used every method to dodge the could think of. That contradiction is part of the American spirit that our government needs to learn to deal with.
I do not complain about income tax except to say most if all deductions need to removed. It is perhaps unfair of me as I am in the lower tax bracket and so am unable to claim the vast majority of those taxes. I don’t think so because I believe those who have received more from the government should be expected to give more. On the other hand the poor and disadvantaged are dependent on the government for the basic necessaries of life such as food, water, air, shelter. Health care does not qualify though it is nice. Like anyone else it is best if the government would pay their bills or at least be careful who they are borrowing from. Lone sharks like China are dangerous to deal with. The Sixteenth Amendment is not a problem. The Seventeenth which was most likely also the GOP’s fault is a disaster as it removed the balance between state and federal governmental powers.
I favor cutting costs and the tax code and not raising taxes. I certainly think a sales tax or a flat tax are insane. A fair number of Republican believe the same thing.
To continue the fight to insure the blessing of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for ourselves and our children yet unborn is the mark of a true American Patriot.
Well, I don't listen to most of the talk shows and such... they're ridiculous, the discussion is akin to a couple of children arguing in my opinion... doesn't matter which political party it's from (or, to put it another way, whether it's "liberal" or "conservative" media), it's so far from anything resembling a sober, rational debate that it's not even worth listening to- except as comedy, maybe.
In any case, yeah, if you ask people no one likes to pay taxes. But ask them the same question a different way, such as: do you want what you get for taxes? That is, roads, schools, universities, hospitals, police, fire departments, national defense, etc.? People have quite different answers.
Naturally, the folks who are wealthy and privileged enough to send their kids to a private schools and elite universities and get wonderful health care because they make 6 or 7 figures, don't care a whit about these things. Those are the people who typically benefit most from tax cuts, not working people.
I look at tax(s) a few
I look at tax(s) a few different ways.
One, "tax is the price we pay to live in a civilized society."- anonomous IRS agent.
Two, when the Democrats are in power I usually have three times better imcome, have money to spend, money to pay my tazes, and money to save, so I don't mind the taxes.
Three, when the republicans are in power, my good paying job disappears one way or another, last two shipped out of country, the price of everything goes ballistic, and I can barely pay my taxes and eat and savings are out of the question.
I live in Texas where we don't have a state income tax which makes it kinda nice because of, and not including federal income tax, the 54, count em, 54 overt taxing agencies that gobble up the bulk of my money. Compared to these 54 other bloodsuckers federal tax is a breeze. I'm surprised that don't have a gas tax here...I meant a flatulation tax like a penny per fart.
What I do like about the Democrats is that they will walk right up in your face and tell you they are going to raise your tax and tell you why.
What I despise about the republicans is that they say no new tax, gimme "my" tax money back, then stab us in our backs with the largest tax raises we ever had...under reagan and g h w bush.
Now sonny bush whom I met in 1967 while I was home on leave, hasn't raised our taxes (yet) he just borrows the nation in a hole bigger than the grand canyon so he can give it all his buddies in the upper 2% bracket and play war...war he is too gutless to enjoin personally either now or in the past according to his own personal military record and history. I guess sonny bush's pink, or is that yellow flesh, depends on the way the sun hits it I guess, is much to important to put his life or limbs on the line in combat for the good of the country in any war muchless a war he insisted upon.
Now about why I listen to all the talk shows. Did you ever go for a walk in rattlesnake country? I have and do. So I like to be able to see all the snakes and watch which direction they're going. I sorta call it keeping myself abreast of things so I don't have to guess if my next step should go forward, to the side, or back in order to avoid them. But count on the fact that not one of these talk shows have any influence over the way I think and act.
I'm not only an independent voter...I'm one independent SOB period.
Simply put, taxes are how we
Simply put, taxes are how we pay for government.
You want a national defense? Gotta pay for it. You
want a highway system? Gotta pay for it. You want
Social Security, Medicare, etc.? Gotta pay for it.
The nimrods who always scream about taxes never seem
to want to give up the programs that they like, just
what helps the other guy. Is some money wasted?
You bet, but remember, one man's "pork" is another
man's "member item."
Fraud and waste and lollygagging
If you could see the singular inefficiency, duplicatation, rework, redundancy, time killer tasks that the government workers are doing you would realize that the govt has too much of our money. It is our money.
Yes there are hardworking govt workers, about 20% do 80% of the work.
In your list of benefits you neglected to mention:
railroads, mass transit with buses and subway trains, Christmas decorations on the shopping streets, huge lines at the motor vehicle dept, elaborate skybox-equipped state of the art stadiums, arenas, and "cultural centers," government run lotteries to feed the addiction of those who are addicted (lotteries are a tax on stupidity), homeless mental patients living under bridges because they do not constitute homicidal or suicidal risks but they can stink up the public library so no one wants to go there.
We had to go to space and the moon and we need all of the Smithsonian museums to be free of any charge, parking meters everywhere you want to park so they can "gotcha" with a fine to help pay for the goverment agent running those meters, toll booths on the highways that steal your time and reduce your gas mileage, farm price supports and subsidies, a legal system that lets hardened, compulsive offenders out after a pittance of a sentence so they can perpetrate more outrages on us law abiding, peaceful citizens. And if you can't afford a lawyer, you will be provided with one.
Yeah, goverment is the problem, not the solution. It needs to be starved like Terry Shiavo.