Dissent or Terror: New Report Details How Counter Terrorism Apparatus Was Used to Monitor Occupy Movement Nationwide

MADISON, WI -- DBA Press and the Center for Media and Democracy today released the results of a year-long investigation: "Dissent or Terror: How the Nation's Counter Terrorism Apparatus, In Partnership With Corporate America, Turned on Occupy Wall Street."
The report, a distillation of thousands of pages of records obtained from counter terrorism/law enforcement agencies, details how state/regional "fusion center" personnel monitored the Occupy Wall Street movement over the course of 2011 and 2012. Personnel engaged in this activity at fusion centers include employees of municipal, county and federal counter terrorism/homeland security entities. Such entities include local police departments, the FBI and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (including U.S. DHS components such as the Transportation Security Administration).
The report also examines how fusion centers and other counter terrorism entities that have emerged since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 have worked to benefit numerous corporations engaged in public-private intelligence sharing partnerships.
While the report examines many instances of fusion center monitoring of Occupy Wall Street activists nationwide, the bulk of the report details how counter terrorism personnel engaged in the Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center (ACTIC, commonly known as the "Arizona fusion center") monitored and otherwise surveilled citizens active in Occupy Phoenix, and how this surveillance benefited a number of corporations and banks that were subjects of Occupy Phoenix protest activity.
While small glimpses into the governmental monitoring of the Occupy Wall Street movement have emerged in the past, there has not been any reporting -- until now -- that details the breadth and depth of the degree to which the nation's post-September 11, 2001 counter terrorism apparatus has been applied to politically engaged citizens exercising their Constitutionally-protected First Amendment rights.
The report reveals for the first time:
- How law enforcement agencies active in the Arizona fusion center dispatched an undercover officer to infiltrate activist groups organizing both protests of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and the launch of Occupy Phoenix and how the work of this undercover officer benefited ALEC and the private corporations that were the subjects of these demonstrations.
- How fusion centers, funded in large part by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, expended countless hours and tax dollars in the monitoring of Occupy Wall Street and other activist groups.
- How the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has financed social media "data mining" programs at local law enforcement agencies engaged in fusion centers.
- How counter terrorism government employees applied facial recognition technology, drawing from a state database of driver's license photos, to photographs found on Facebook in an effort to profile citizens believed to be associated with activist groups.
- How corporations have become part of the homeland security "information sharing environment" with law enforcement/intelligence agencies through various public-private intelligence sharing partnerships. The report examines multiple instances in which the counter terrorism/homeland security apparatus was used to gather intelligence relating to activists for the benefit of corporate interests that were the subject of protests.
- How private groups and individuals, such as Charles Koch, Chase Koch (Charles' son and a Koch Industries executive), Koch Industries, and the Koch-funded American Legislative Exchange Council have hired off-duty police officers-- sometimes still armed and in police uniforms -- to perform the private security functions of keeping undesirables (reporters and activists) at bay.
- How counter terrorism personnel monitored the protest activities of citizens opposed to the indefinite detention language contained in National Defense Authorization Act of 2012.
- How the FBI applied "Operation Tripwire," an initiative originally intended to apprehend domestic terrorists through the use of private sector informants, in their monitoring of Occupy Wall Street groups. [Note: this issue was reported on exclusively by DBA/CMD in December, 2012.]
The report is authored by Beau Hodai, DBA Press publisher and Center for Media and Democracy contributor.
Read the full report and Appendix of cited materials at Sourcewatch.org.
Read the full report on DBA Press here and view the document archive on DBA Press here.
In addition to the report, PR Watch will be publishing articles extracted from the report throughout the week at PRwatch.org.
If Only Der Fuhrer Knew?
That the Kochtopus spends money on private thugs to keep away people they don't want hassling them is somewhat bizarre, it is as least somewhat understandable. What I find truly outrageous is that the police state and the surveillance state, under watch of the "progressive" Obama Regime, is spending billions of the taxpayers' dollars to monitor and oppress people and some people seem more upset about what private oligarchs are doing.
Guess what people, you can boycott the Koch boys and others like them. Nobody forces you to give them your money. You can choose not to buy their crap. With the surveillance/police state, you have no choice. Are we to pretend that Team Obama is oblivious to what is going on?
I'm back, I guess I really didn't loose the faith, just a bad day. Bring on the petitions and donation forms. I need to do more. We got to stay in it to win it. Keep on keeping on!!!
Stop hypothesizing and look at the definition
What's the definition of terrorism. Take a look. It'll open your eyes to why law enforcement does what it does.
The FBI defines a terrorist incident as “a violent act or an act dangerous to human life, in violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any state, to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social goals.” The U.S. State Department further adds, "premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience. Domestic terrorism involves groups or individuals whose terrorist activities are directed at elements of our government or population without foreign direction.
According to John Winger, "That's the fact, Jack!"
Definitions draw a fine line
Constitutional rights are aggressively being violated and are, I daresay, commonplace. I applaud the Occupiers in standing up for individual rights of the 'common man' to enjoy liberty; to call a spade a spade, or rather, to stand up to the white=collar criminals on Wall Street as well at WalMart.
Terrorism definition
Why is not International Banker fiscal terrorism targeted?.
Look at the definition
All of which leaves a broad definition of "politically motivated violence" open to interpretation. In Chicago that was used to define even peaceful protesters based on what law enforcement thought they might--might--do. Any assemblage of people gathered in protest can fit the description.
That's fascism...
Just like basing a war - on "what they might - might have or might do"...