Spoof Program Handed Out at Walker's State of the State Address

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People’s State of the State program spoofWell-dressed women in suits handed out "official" programs at Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's State of the State address last night. The back of the program read "2011-2012 Legislative $ession Brought to you by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)," and featured pictures of the Koch Brothers and a long list of Walker campaign contributors.

Following a welcome prayer in the pamphlet is the faux Walker address, which highlights actual statistics from the U.S. Bureau of Labor showing that Wisconsin suffered six straight months of job loss compared to consistent job growth at the national level.

The program reads, "I had to make some tough choices, but thanks to the efforts of my administration, we now lead the nation with six consecutive months of job losses in our continuing efforts to streamline our workforce. That's right. Wisconsin leads the nation! I said last year that I was going to create 250,000 new jobs -- real jobs, not just jobs for teachers, police officers and firefighters. Well, I'm here to announce that I think we can do much more than that now that we have eliminated collective bargaining: we are poised to create a million new jobs before we're through: jobs that put prisoners and children back to work!"

The full spoof program produced by the League of Super Serious Reporters can be seen here.


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