Morello Returns to Union Town

Throughout the winter protests against Governor Scott Walker's labor-bashing agenda, the halls of the Wisconsin Capitol were alive with the sounds of steel drums, cowbells, and daily sing-a-longs. Eventually, a muse would emerge to channel Madison's musical energy into a powerful new protest song.
With lyrics like, "When they put the governor on trial, I will be in the front row" and "...the kids locked in the capital are fighting till the end," Tom Morello's "Union Town" became the de facto anthem for the thousands of protesters fighting the Walker agenda, who heard it almost every morning on local radio stations. On September 5th, the Rage Against the Machine frontman and labor rights advocate, will return to Madison with Tim Mcilrath of Rise Against and Wayne Kramer of Detroit's MC5 as part of their recurring Justice Tour, with all profits from their show benefitting nonprofit media center The Nation Institute.
The concert, slated to take place at the Barrymore Theater, will feature pro-union songs from Morello's recently released EP Union Town, which he recorded under his activist alter-ego The Nightwatchman.
Any Wisconsinite involved in last winter's protest will remember Morello's last visit to Madison. Joined by Mcilrath, who has also lent his voice to songs promoting social activism, Morello delivered an inspiring performance to a crowd of thousands outside of the Capitol, on one of the more memorably frozen February days of the solidarity movement.
Morello later told Rolling Stone that his trip to Walkerville may have been "the most inspiring 24 hours" of his life as an activist.
So if you feel like getting down to the pro-union, pro-labor, pro-good times guitar licks of a Grammy winning guitarist, while simultaneously supporting a good cause (all proceeds will benefit The Nation Institute, which, according to a press release, was "established to extend the reach of progressive ideas and strengthen the independent press in the United States."), head over to the Barrymore on September 5th, and make sure to wear your favorite "Liberate FitzWalkerstan" gear.
Below, check out the schedule for The Justice Tour to see if its coming to a city near you:
The Justice Tour:
September 5th - Madison, WI The Barrymore Theatre (All Ages)
September 6th - Cleveland, OH Grog Shop (All Ages)
September 7th - Flint, MI The Machine Shop (18+)
Sounds like both quite a
Sounds like both quite a protest and social event! The performances sound like they were very inspiring!
Contact Mr "Watchdog" Wendel Potter
Mr. „Watchdog“ Wendell Potter ǁ German TV → PHOENIX ǁ 8/23/2011
Dear Sirs; There remains something we’ve to talk about. Maybe you kindly give an answer. It all depends on Sir Winston Churchill. It’s a rather disturbing man. You are English and so you like to be proud about him that is clear but not fully understandably by outstanding people. It sounds funny. If you are German; of course that doesn’t count. But if you are Polish, that is something different. 1939 Sir Winston Churchill agreed and managed upon the Kathyn Massacre with Mr. Stalin. More 30 thousand Polish officers were massacred and brutal killed by the troupes of Mr. Stalin. Oh, what’s that; was Mr. Stalin not in a union with the dammed Hitler? Oh yes, but that’s shows that Sir. Winston Churchill and of course Mr. Stalin knew at that point about the aggression, the invasion of the Red Troupes, the communist against the brown Hitler SS. Consequently the Russian Troupes kept at the other side of the river not fighting but in rest until the Polish Revolt Army lost their fight against the German Troupes 1944. The rebellion would have a different end if the tactical knowledge if the Polish officers wouldn’t have massacred. You see the red line? But here is the next step. One in the BRD (Germany) highly honoured Mr. Prof. Hc. Dr. Hc. Marceli Reich-Ranicki; a man with a Polish, a German and a Israeli Passport; a man who following the court’s decision must be called “The Eichmann from Kattowitz” has talked with the Polish exile government in Great Britain to come home to the Polish Home Base. This brave People of this Government in GB had been killed shortly after they stepped out of the aircraft on Polish soil. But, was that enough? Well, think about the Palestine People.
Maybe that sounds curious but 1942 a book came out in the USA; ‘Germany must perish’. All the Germans were meant to be perished by sterilisation. It was said that so many Germans were there, so many women and so many men. The job would have be done by so many doctors. All Germans were to be castrated Nazis, Democrats, Conservatives, and modern People, such who believed in Hitler, Communists, such who were fighting for the German Empire, Resistance People … the only ones that were not talked about were the Jews. The book only needed to became known in Germany. Who was it that made the book about the castration of all Germans known in Germany? The English BBC gave that notice time and again. Those people who were listening to the enemy broadcast got the notice first. What a pleasure to listen to enemy broadcast because it was strictly forbidden by execution. And what a pleasure for the Jews. That knowledge increased of course the friendship to the Jew right away. Figure out what it was like in the KZ. Imagine yourself what it was like to be in a KZ in a KZ. Fantastic; isn’t it?
For you as a political and antifascist thinking one it notably important, after Cont Bernadotte had secured the Jews from Denmark – he had arranged for them to pass away to Stockholm by fisher boats – he was shot by the Star tie under Shamir-Begin. Isn’t it wonderful, is it? You know Mr. Wallberg; he saved the Jewish people from Budapest. He, as a Diplomat gave them international papers and cached them in his international sick bay where even communist fighters were welcome. He was displaced by the conqueror of Budapest the Russian Jewish General Sherenkow. We have some messages that he lived a couple of decades in prison in Russia.
I’m getting a little bit disturbed. Nationalistic thinking people had given their money the Centrum (a political party in older Germany) and the Liberals in Germany and not to shit Nazis. The money to the Nazis had been given by the English. Merely a poor Telephone Call to an English general by the private Hitler brought the money for the propaganda paper of the clammy Nazis party. Is that correct, isn’t it? There is need to be said something different. I don’t know whether you’ve had the time to inform you. Hitler had five body doubles 1933. Who did know with whom he was talking? Three out of five the photos made from the Fuehrer in the Nazi regime is from the body doubles. The sightseeing of the Eifel tower is a typical it.
Regards Dagobert R. Forner ǁ Dipl.Ing.