The Good the Bad and the Ugly in the Dodd Bill

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Here are some highlights regarding the 1,300 page bank reform bill released by U.S. Senator Chris Dodd (D-CN) yesterday.


  1. Capital requirements and leveraging requirements to be set by regulators (although some reformers would like these set in law to makes sure they do the job).
  2. Creates a council of systemic risk regulators called a Financial Stability Oversight Council, which is generally a good idea. We don't want to just leave it to the Federal Reserve.
  3. Obama's "Volcker Rule" included, not perfect, but at least it made the cut.
  4. Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA) remains a strong institution with rulemaking and enforcement authority over banks and nonbanks.
  5. No new preemption of state attorneys general.
  6. Credit rating agencies, which gave AAA ratings for toxic mortgage-related securities, can be sued for damages if they don't do their job.
  7. Good reforms of the Federal Reserve system, including: NY Fed President will be appointed; no bank selection of directors; no bank personnel as directors; and a annual Fed audit.


  1. No break up of the too big to fail banks, no prevention of too big to fail, just a costly process for unwinding the firms once they do fail and a $50 billion industry fund to pay for such a collapse.
  2. No caps on how large a bank can grow. The size limitation that was included as part of the Volcker rule just says that companies cannot merge to become greater than 10 percent of all liabilities in the system. This enshrines the too big to fail institutions that do exist and does not place a limit on the size that they can achieve organically.
  3. Continuing derivatives loopholes for foreign exchange traded derivatives and there appears to be a problem with the lack of regulation for non-clearing house participants.
  4. No real reform of credit rating agencies, such as by creating public or private competition for these failed institutions.
  5. The Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPA) will be housed at the Federal Reserve -- a move to appease Republicans that will undermine its legitimacy with the public. CFPA will not have authority over all banks, just the largest banks, a bad idea sure to encourage risky behavior on the part of smaller banks. CFPA authority over "large" payday lenders (exempting how many?). Systemic risk regulators of the Financial Stability Oversight Council can override CFPA rules with a 2/3 majority vote and just one regulator could delay CFPA rules. These are bizarre provisions, isn't it time to give consumer representatives a veto over banking regulators and not visa versa?


Usually a draft like this sets the high water mark. With 1,500 bank lobbyists on the hill and $390 billion spent on finance industry lobbying in 2009, the public will need to weigh in to fix the problems that do exist in the bill and hold off provisions that will make the bill worse. Get involved! Send an email to your legislators at


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I like the way you thoroughly

I like the way you thoroughly described the pros and cons of Dodd Bill (Y), keep sharing this kinda informative post :)

Agreed, indeed

We need more lobbyists ... end of story. : )

Consumer lending

Surely, this is a little too late, the horse has already bolted from the stable. Low interest rates are also penalising the savers.


Finally, regulators are back in control. Things we're bound and destined to get out of control so long as this wasn't the case!

Continuing this discussion...

Still not sure about Chris Dodd and this sweeping financial reform legislation. I can't believe there will be no cap on banks-just what we need another monopoly crisis. We are already seeing it with television. Caps are created in order to support the little man, let us not forget about him.

The banking crisis has long

The banking crisis has long passed, and you all discuss it.

long past what?

To "the banking crisis has long past, you all discuss it." Well that removes all doubt for me! It probably won't do any good but what are you talking about? It must be nice to wander about soaking in the universe then making profound observations about things you apparently don't understand. Maybe you meant "has long passed" but even if you had a rudimentary grasp of grammar your knowledge of banking and history relegates you to the "listen and you might learn something" category.

Thank you

The 13th Tribe is at it again. Cause the "crisis" and get Congress to pass "reforms" that will eventually lead to the death of all small community banks.
This is precisely how the jews got the Federal Reserve Act passed.
Thank you

Dodd Bill

I'm currently studying the effects of good and bad moves in American government and I'm hoping to see the effects of this bill, whether good or bad. Obviously every bill has some positive and some negative points, but the proof is in the pudding where it will take time to see the after effects.

I agree with jkursman ...

I agree with jkursman ... payday lending is highly regulated at the state level. Regulations include, among other things, capping the amount customers can borrow and the fees lenders can charge. States also generally either prohibit loans from being “rolled over” (i.e., extended with another fee being charged) or limit such rollovers to one or two times. Instead of over regulating payday loans and limiting consumer options, a better solution is to keep freedom of choice for consumers. In a state-regulated environment, payday advances can often be the best choice for consumers.