Citizens United Is a Radical Rewriting of the Constitution by Pro-Corporate Supreme Court

  • Topics: Corporations
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    Five Republican appointees to the U.S. Supreme Court just struck down critically important laws regulating corporations' influence on election and public policy. The Center for Media and Democracy strongly opposes this radical decision by a bare majority of the Supreme Court to rewrite the First Amendment and give corporations even greater influence in elections and public policy. With this decision, huge corporations like Goldman Sachs and AIG will be able to use their enormous wealth to run campaigns against the president or any person who might oppose their agenda.

    In our view, this decision is terrible for our democracy. The corruption of policy development we have already seen by the big insurance companies in the health care debate, by the big banks opposing regulations to protect our economy, and the big oil companies slowing efforts to address global warming, even under the current rules that the Court just struck down, show this decision will make things worse. We cannot sit on the sidelines and let this radical decision stand.

    Americans Before CorporationsYou can help us stand up to the Court by casting your vote against this judicial activist decision and sending a strong rebuke. Please sign our petition and help put Americans before corporations. Please tell your friends, family and colleagues about this important issue and urge them to sign the petition. We also have a new "Corporate Rights portal" we are launching in SourceWatch to help educate the general public about these issues and provide a gateway for getting more involved. You can bookmark this link to the Corporate Rights portal to stay up-to-date on the latest news about this issue.

    We are also lending our voice to nationwide coalition efforts to fight this decision. In particular, CMD has joined the steering committee of Move to Amend to support a broad-based effort to amend the Constitution to restore individual rights. We are also supportive of another coalition focusing on changing federal election law. But it's clear to me that we need to pursue the broadest effort to restore individual rights, so I hope you will join us and the Campaign to Legalize Democracy in these efforts to reassert the primacy of the individual in our democracy.

    When I worked for the Senate Judiciary Committee reviewing President Bush's judicial nominees and their agendas, I feared this day would come. That's why I tried to help keep John Roberts off the appellate court, and then was so saddened the day he was appointed and when I saw President Bush promote him to become Chief Justice after I had left the government. In reading the biographies, writings, and speeches of right-wing nominees, it became clear to me that a revolution in the law was being fomented to undermine the power of ordinary people to regulate corporations in their communities. Today's decision is a huge gift to corporations from a Supreme Court that has been radicalized by right-wing ideology, whose political agenda was made obvious in the Bush v. Gore case and whose very political decision today only makes things worse.

    We cannot just wring our hands, in my view, and let this stand. There is a great deal of work to be done. The Center for Media and Democracy, which has been documenting corporate spin, lies, and disinformation for over a decade through our PR Watch efforts, is ready to help. We've been spearheading a specialized encyclopedia of the people, corporations and money behind the headlines and policy, in SourceWatch, and we recently invested in a major upgrade of that Website to make it more useful for the millions of people who visit it each year. I'll be keeping you posted on developments in what will be a long-term effort to reverse the Supreme Court's radical decision.

    If you care about fighting spin and you are concerned about the health of American democracy, I hope you will join me in saying the Supreme Court really got it wrong today, and this must be fixed. You can help put Americans -- and people -- before corporations by signing here today. It'll only take a moment to say NO to the Supreme Court's arrogant effort to elevate corporations "rights" and undermine the power of the people in our democracy.

    Lisa Graves is the Executive Director of the Center for Media and Democracy based in Madison, Wisconsin.


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    This certainly was a step in

    This certainly was a step in the wrong direction in diminishing influence of corporations on political decisions .. we need to do something about lobbyists too not to mention the abundance of pork thrown into every bill. Unfortunately, political decisions will always come down to one thing .. money and power. That's exactly why our govt continues to support ethanol. .. its a midwest vote getter.

    Next up!

    The next logical step is to allow corporations a fractional vote for each of their employees. It would be easier to declare ourselves slaves and let corporations cast votes for us than put up with the charade of rigged electronic voting machines and excruciating corporate political advertisements.


    Where will the protest take place in Washington D.C. this weekend?

    I am headed to DC to create

    I am headed to DC to create a revolt on this ruling!!!!!!

    Excellent story. We need to

    Excellent story.

    We need to remove money, lobbying, and corporate speech from our politics and this ruling undermines that goal.

    Lawrence Lessig, also nails it


    I don't agree that these justices are all bad they have made some good decisions. However, this one I think is a little far reaching. They have a point that government was making too much decisions and descretions on the law. I believe the solution is to have only debates toward the end of an election and no TV ads. This won't happen I don't believe because both Democrat and Republicas like their power too much. However, this would save money and keep the decisions based on debates and arguments rather than advertising. I agree that there may be Republican influence here. However, to blame conservatives is wrong. I am conservative and I don't agree with this move. I believe good debating like in this forum is a good thing. Let's not lump people into groups unless it is justified. I belong to a social network that is conservative at and we don't go after power but really try to support others. Plus, it invites healthy debate

    to chrisfromneenah

    Dear Chris:
    Thank you very much for taking the time to write in about this. I often consider myself a conservative in the sense of wanting to preserve the Bill of Rights for people as with my work on the Fourth Amendment with my conservative and libertarian friends like Congressman Bob Barr. At the same time, having tracked these justices for many years I can only say that there is a strong ideology of the so-called Federalist Society (and actually whose view are mostly the opposite of the actual historical federalists) that has taken root among the Republican appointees to the federal courts. During President Bush's first term more than half of all of his appellate nominees were active in the Federalist Society, which purports to be a debating society and in fact is much more than that--laying down the architecture for a far-reaching "legal" revolution that is embraced as a policy matter by their political counter-parts. This legal revolution has found its "greatest" expression in this radical decision of the Supreme Court. As a devoted student of the writings of the Founders, I am certain most of them would shocked, appalled and fearful of what these guys have wrought. I am certainly hoping that conservatives like will joint progressives and libertarians and others in saying no to this judicial activism and restore the power of individuals in our democracy. This ideology of corporate rights has unfortunately found its home among Rs appointed to the bench. While there are most certainly Ds who have been elected who are too beholden to corporate donations, as with many Rs, within the federal judiciary those who are pushing this agenda are appointees of Reagan, Bush, and Bush almost exclusively. Certainly that is the case on the Supreme Court with all of the justices hand-picked by these presidents, all of whom have been active in the Federalist Society, issuing one of the most radical decision in U.S. history. And, while the idea of limiting ads in the months before an election may have some appeal, it will not fix the underlying problems with this edict or addressing the far-reaching implications of the court's analytical framework granting corporations inherent "rights." I agree--it's not conservative. Those who are truly conservative will be outraged by such activism by unelected judges displacing the people's will with their own narrow agenda.

    funny thing is that there

    funny thing is that there are individuals with the level of money that corporations have that do the same thing...are those people to be silenced also? Is it just a money thing? Corporations will send lobbyists to washington no matter who is in office and achieve the same desired effect. Be careful how you look at the first amendment because as soon as you start restricting someone else's free speech, yours is just around the corner.

    The really funny thing

    is that, like five Supreme Court justices, you don't seem able to grasp the difference between speech and the bullhorn it's blasted out over. Speech is speech but a bullhorn can drown out the speech of others -- yours too, if you happen to be on the wrong end of it.

    " soon as you start restricting someone else's free speech, yours is just around the corner."

    Another funny thing is that those word's "someone else's" show you've internalized the idea that a corporation is an actual person rather than, as Wendell Berry put it, "a pile of money to which a number of persons have sold their moral allegiance."

    No one seriously suggests restricting the free speech of that "number of persons" as individuals. That's just a red herring.

    Corporations and free speech

    Two points:

    1. Restricting corporations is not the same as restricting people. The corporations that were responsible for the [w:Bhopal_disaster|Bhopal industrial disaster) (that killed thousands of people and resulted in 20,000 deaths with an estimated 100,000 to 200,000 survivors with permanent injuries) was never held to account for its culpability and nor have any of the successor corporations that replaced Union Carbide. So when it is advantageous, a corporation is a person and when it isn't then it isn't. Corporations serve to allow the rich to behave with impunity and suffer no consequences. Corporations should not be allowed to act as a cloak for gangster capitalists.

    2. Wealth should not be allowed to drown the voice of the poor who are in fact the majority. If one person with $Billions in personal wealth can afford to bury the truth in a sea of self-serving persuasiveness, that is the limitation to free speech we are concerned with here. Limiting the say of the rich to allow all individuals the same amount of airtime is optimizing freedom of speech