Rep. Bob Ney (R-Ohio) Resigns from Congress

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Rep. Bob Ney (R-Ohio) resigned from Congress on Friday, effective immediately. Ney had pleaded guilty to corruption charges on October 13 but had remained in office, much to the chagrin of House Republicans and his anointed successor, Republican nominee Joy Padgett. One remaining question: will Ney actually pick up his last $13,000 paycheck, which hanging on past the first of this month enabled him to do?

Read more at the excellent Congresspedia page on Bob Ney and Joy Padgett, who we're profiling as part of our Election 2006 coverage.


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Corruption in high places

I have not read the Congresspedia page yet, but I will later if I have time.

But as far as corruption in high places, I am learning that it is extensive, and it reminds me of what I once heard someone say --- that quite often extremely inept people will actually climb to the top (of corporations or government or such), simply because they are good at knowing how to make it look like other peoples' good work is their own --- "stealing thunder" of a sort. Also they are "good" at making it look like their own ineptitude and other flaws are that of other people --- they know how to skirt and shirk blame, and shift facts around, or perception of facts, that is.

And, sometimes it is the people who are the best at losing jobs that learn to be the best as to how to get them, just through extensive practice at initial impressions.

Okay sometimes these corrupt people in high places have been appointed by someone, instead of having been elected. I am very curious who appoints these people, such as commissioners who end up doing prison sentences, etc. Whoever appoints them seems to be a carefully guarded secret --- nothing much is made of this aspect publicly, especially when the corruption is uncovered. But I would about bet that whoever appointed them appointed them for being assured that that person would make a good puppet or pawn --- or essentially, they knew that they could count on them to be corrupt and manipulatable.

For instance a state commissioner might be very good at using the initial presumption of the public that the commission is aloof of being inept or corrupt itself, preying upon the public's wish for a fatherly or minister-like figure to come in and comfort them. Meanwhile, such a commission does not protect the public (in the least) nor care, but rather is a pro at shooing the blame onto some totally innocent party.

Through the grapevine, I have heard of too many of these sorts of things. And it gets to be ridiculous. But I have to live in this world until I die, so what do I do? Act like it doesn't happen?

Hypocrisy is so popular as a modus operandi. It is just ridiculous that people want to live such lies. They have no concept whatever of laws or rather, the spirit of laws, or things like that it is an abomination in the eyes of God, or against spiritual principles (if they don't believe in God), to lie about other people. They have no concept whatever that "what goes around, comes around," which I believe is an old slave saying.

Which incidentally, that is what much of corruption is all about: keeping people in slavery-type situations, even if they are not obvious slaves. Well this could be discussed and pondered ad infinitum. But it all comes back to the same unfortunate truth which every con man knows, that hypocrisy not only exists but abounds. It (hypocrisy) is a very convenient lure for the lurid.

They have to have a totally innocent "Christ" type figure to presume blame upon, when the facts get the least bit complicated for busy people to understand. What it is, is like a looting of one's good character and good intentions. It is bizarre. But it happens.