
Tobacco Industry Sponsors British School of "Business Ethics"

London's Nottingham University has been vigorously criticized for its

Documentary Rips Philip Morris Image Makeover

A documentary film by INFACT, the Boston-based corporate watchdog, charges Philip Morris with orchestrating a global lobbying campaign to curb any effort by the World Health Organization to restrict the marketing of cigarettes. The film, titled "Making a Killing: Philip Morris, Kraft and Global Tobacco Addiction," says that Philip Morris, which uses Burson-Marsteller for PR, is spending millions in the U.S. for a "feel good" corporate image campaign the same time that it continues to drive up tobacco sales and tobacco deaths throughout the world.

Tobacco Industry "Goons" Harass Petition Gatherers

To block a petition drive for higher cigarette taxes in Arizona, tobacco industry goon squads used verbal harassment, blew smoke in the face of petition gatherers, and engaged in physical intimidation.

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