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- About ALEC Exposed (283)
- A Side of Climate Change Denial with Your Coffee? ALEC Dishes up Some Hard to Swallow Spin with the Heartland Institute (256)
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- This Is Going to Hurt: What Your Doctor Doesn't Say Can Cost You (235)
- Marco Rubio, Geo Group, and a Legacy of Corruption (234)
Readers' Comments
Voters Supression11 years 16 weeks agoSubmitted by: Anonymous
ANON. Comments SHOULD be Deprecated11 years 16 weeks agoSubmitted by: pbarnrob
Bee health - Jim Scott11 years 16 weeks agoSubmitted by: EarlBowden
extra charges11 years 16 weeks agoSubmitted by: Anonymous
its not the government11 years 16 weeks agoSubmitted by: Anonymous
primary care doctors comments11 years 16 weeks agoSubmitted by: Anonymous
doctors visit11 years 16 weeks agoSubmitted by: Anonymous
doctors visit11 years 16 weeks agoSubmitted by: Anonymous
As someone with a brain11 years 17 weeks agoSubmitted by: Anonymous
What about discharging the11 years 17 weeks agoSubmitted by: AndrewG