Public Diplomacy

U.S.-Funded Al Hurra Under Scrutiny

The State Department's Inspector General is investigating Al Hurra, the U.S.-funded, Arabic-language satellite TV network.

Cheney-Rumsfeld Cabal's Amateur Hour

Lawrence Wilkerson, who served as chief of staff at the State Department until early this year, publicly blasted the Bush Administration, including accusing George W.

Public Diplomacy after Psyops Atrocities

While embedded with a U.S. Army unit in Afghanistan, Australian journalist Stephen Dupont filmed "U.S.

PR Czar Earns E's

Newly minted propaganda czar Karen Hughes' "listening tour" of the Middle East "turned into a near feeding frenzy directed at her by the western media," writes John Brown, a former U.S. Foreign Service officer.

'Information Operations' Defined

"As Under Secretary of State Karen Hughes begins her monumental campaign to improve the world's opinion of the United States, not to worry, military information warriors are poised to jump in as soon as the FEMA of public diplomacy falters," William Arkin writes for his "Early Warnings"

Hughes Gets a Little Help from a Friend

"At the State Department's invitation," former Voice of America director and current dean of the University of Southern California's Annenberg School for Communication Geoffrey Cowan wrote an opinion piece for USA Today praising Karen Hughes, the new

Not Very Diplomatic, Are We?

"There is near universal agreement that public diplomacy is broken and something must be done and done quickly to fix it," states a new report from the Public Diplomacy Council. The Council suggests establishing a U.S.

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