Crisis Management

Pentagon Pundits "Under Review"

Five days after its military analyst program was exposed by the New York Times, the Pentagon announced that "briefings and all other interactions with the military analysts had been suspended indefinitely pending an internal review." Pentagon spokesperson Robert Hastings "could not say ... how long this review might take.

Daughter Busts Dad: Burger King VP Caught Running Dirty Tricks Campaign

Amy Bennett Williams, following up on her previous article reports, "As the Coalition of Immokalee Workers prepares to deliver more than 60,000 petitions to Burger King headquarters in Miami today, the daughter of Burger King's vice-president Stephen Grover confirmed her father is responsible for online posting

Spinners Queue Up to Help China

The Free Tibet Campaign in the UK has warned that "any PR agency that is trying to assist China in its twisted distortion of the truth would be potentially exposing itself to protests outside its offices." Despite this, PR Week reports that Ogilvy,

China Seeks PR Firm to Smooth over Protests

Olympic Torch Protest in ParisIn the wake of the widespread protests in Tibet and growing protests along the route of the Olympic Torch Relay, the Chinese government

Zimbabwe Casts About for PR Help

Appearing before a parliamentary committee inquiry into the lobbying industry, the head of Bell Pottinger, Peter Bingle, explained that the agency had been approached to represent the Zimbabwe regime headed by Robert Mugabe. "We will turn down clients. We had a call from Zimbabwe asking to advise Zimbabwe. We said thank you very much, but no. It would have been a fairly malign campaign if someone had run it," Bingle said.

When "Social Values" Means Smoking

When the dangers of smoking first became widely known, cigarette companies secretly hired biomedical scientists to create confusion.

Merck Minimizes Accusations It Swindled the U.S. Government

The pharmaceutical company Merck agreed to a $650 million settlement to escape charges that it routinely overbilled the U.S. government for medicines.

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