
One Propaganda Window Closes (After Several Doors Open)

News searches on, a website run by the federal General Services Administration, no longer return stories from Voice of America (VOA), Radio Free Europe, or other government-funded media.

Murdoch Columnist Wrote Speeches for Australian Minister

A parliamentary committee reviewing government expenditures was informed that Christopher Pearson, a conservative columnist who writes on national politics an

Not-So-Liberal Hollywood

A sign protesting U.S.-Philippine military exercises (Source: PBS Frontline)

"Disney and producer Jerry Bruckheimer have acquired screen rights to 'Jihadists in Paradise,' a Mark

SAIC: The Very Model of the Military-Industrial Complex

With 44,000 employees, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) "is larger than the [U.S.] departments of Labor, Energy, and Housing and Urban Development combined," Donald Barlett and James Steele write, in an in-depth profile of the military contractor. "SAIC currently holds some 9,000 active federal contracts," more than any other company.

Manipulation of Iraq Intelligence "Inappropriate but not Illegal"

An investigation by the Defense Department's Inspector General -- called "very damning" by Senate Armed Services Committee Chair Sen. Carl Levin -- found "inappropriate but not illegal" manipulation of intelligence in the lead-up to the Iraq War.

Staying on Message, Whatever the Question

Elias Buchwald, a founder of Burson Marsteller, recently ran a four-day training session for 17 high-level Israeli spokespersons from government agencies. The session was organized by 5W Public Relations, the American Jewish Congress and the Israeli Foreign Ministry.

Hearings Planned on U.S. Propaganda Broadcasts

As noted in a previous Spin, the U.S. government-funded stations Radio and TV Marti will be broadcast in South Florida, in an attempt to reach Cuban audiences. Since domestic broadcasts of U.S. government-funded propaganda are illegal, Congressman Bill Delahunt is planning hearings on the matter.

Bush Plans Post-Presidential Think Tank

Supporters of George W. Bush are aiming to raise $500 million to establish a presidential library at the Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas, Texas. While presidential libraries are run by the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, establishment costs have to be raised privately.

Meet Us in Memphis!

Media activists, scholars, reporters and policy makers will converge in Memphis, TN, this weekend, for the National Conference for Media Reform, organized by Free Press. If you'll be there, stop by the Center for Media and Democracy information table or come to one of the presentations by CMD staffers.

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