
David Horowitz Not Quite the Freedom Fighter He Claims to Be

"David Horowitz," Rick Perlstein writes at the Campa

We Know What You Did Online Last Summer

Self-described "disruptive technologist" Virgil Griffith lists as his top aim in developing WikiScanner: "To create a fireworks display of public relations disasters in which everyone brings their own fireworks, and enjoys."

Here at the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD), we see WikiScanner as a great way to better understand how public relations firms and other "perception managers" are subverting online discussions and social media. And what better website to track this on than Wikipedia, the world's most popular wiki, or collaboratively edited website?

Was Wikipedia Spinning Part of H&K's Maldives Work?

The Center for Media and Democracy has previously reported on the PR firm Hill & Knowlton's work for the oppressive regime of the president of the Maldives, Maumoon Gayoom.

Republican Lobby Firm BGR Undercuts Iraqi Leader al-Maliki

"Republican lobbyists with close ties to the Bush administration are aiding and supporting the efforts of an Iraqi opposition leader who is calling for the ouster of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki," reports IraqSlogger.

YouTube Wars - Freedom's Watch vs. IVAW. Which is Real Grassroots, Which is a Front Group?

What's the difference between a slick pro-war front group exploiting Iraq veterans to pour gasoline on the fire in Iraq, and a grassroots group of Iraq veterans leading the battle at home to end Bush's war of occupation?

Watch these YouTube videos and decide for yourself.

The latest addition to Bush's pro-war lobby is Freedom's Watch, and they have

Spinning Wikipedia

"Editing your own entry on Wikipedia is usually the province of vain celebrities keen for some good PR," writes Bobbie Johnson. "But a new website has uncovered dozens of companies that have been editing the site in order to improve their public image.

Jamming Pearl Jam

"Over the weekend," comments, "AT&T gave us a glimpse of their plans for the Web when they censored a Pearl Jam performance that didn’t meet their standard of 'Internet freedom.' During the live Lollapalooza Webcast of a concert by the Seattle-based super-group, the telco giant muted lead singer Eddie Vedder just as he launched into a lyric against

"Coffee with the Troops" at Yearly Kos Fuels Debate About the Netroots and the War

You can watch some powerful video of our August 5th Coffee with the Troops online at AfterDowning Street, Alternetand on YouTube. We filmed the entire event, which was attended by more than one hundred people at the Yearly Kos Convention Sunday in Chicago.

An Ugly Fight over Cosmetics Safety

"The increasing number of attacks by lobby groups on the US cosmetics and personal care industry means that it is time to fight back," according to The main industry group, the Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association (CTFA), will "use the internet ...

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