
Honor Among Thieves

Margery Kraus of APCO Worldwide has been named "International PR Professional of the Year" by PR Week magazine - a fitting honor to a woman whose company specializes in the worst sleaze the industry produces -- from helping the tobacco industry promote "sound science" to orchestrating a phony "grassroots" campaign for "tort reform" as a way of making it harder f

Tobacco Industry Sponsors British School of "Business Ethics"

London's Nottingham University has been vigorously criticized for its

Rain Dance: Mississippi's Choctaw Indians Find An Unlikely Ally In a GOP Stalwart

Lobbyist Jack Abramoff sets up and funds coalitions of conservative organizations that then work to push the agendas of his clients. Gambling, sweatshops, you name it and he represents them in Washington.

Diplomacy for Hire

Bob Dole pulled no punches in his op-ed piece in the Boston Globe. Slobodan Milosevic, he wrote, should be indicted as a war criminal for his brutality in the Balkans. The tag line at the end of the piece identified Dole as a former Senate majority leader and past presidential candidate. What it didn't say, however, is that Dole works for the powerful Washington lobbying and law firm Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPherson, and Hand. The company represents -- in addition to numerous corporate clients -- the government of Slovenia, a former Yugoslavian republic and NATO ally.

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