Global Warming

Bush vs. the Laureates

"For nearly four years, and with rising intensity, scientists in and out of government have criticized the Bush administration, saying it has selected or suppressed research findings to suit preset policies, skewed advisory panels or ignored unwelcome advice, and quashed discussion within federal research agencies," reports Andrew Revkin. The clash has been especially intense and prolonged regarding the issue of global warming, where "scientists say that objective and relevant information is ignored or distorted in service of pre-established policy goals.

Business Roundtable Pushes Kyoto Roundabout

The PR firm Porter Novelli is helping the Business Roundtable, an organization of U.S. corporate CEOs, promote its "Climate RESOLVE" program, O'Dwyer's PR Daily reports.

Auto Industry Front Group Opposes California Clean Air Proposal

"A public relations firm with ties to the automobile industry has launched ads suggesting that a proposed California rule to cut carbon dioxide exhaust could cause more people to die in traffic accidents," the Los Angeles Times reports.

The Carbon PR Cycle

"Organized by the World Bank, the International Emissions Trading Association and Koelnmesse (Cologne Trade Fair), Carbon Expo was supposed to be 'the Coming of Age of the Global Carbon Market,'" reports Chris Lang. At a journalists' workshop, World Bank Communications Advisor Sergio Jellinek said the Bank wanted to help journalists "in terms of getting the story right. You set the tone of the debate.

Anti-Warming Lobbying Heats Up

In Alaska, Mayor Edith Vorderstrasse told federal officials, "Our weather pattern is really different. It's not consistent like it used to be." The General Accounting Office found that 184 of 213 Native Alaskan villages face flooding and erosion problems, in what may be the first major sign of U.S. climate change. In London, the British government is hosting a week-long visit by U.S.

Exxon's Secret Sponsorship of Climate Skeptics

Despite the best PR efforts of industry, global warming is a growing concern to an increasing number of people in the world. That's because corporate propaganda addresses only the perception of climate change, distorting science and corrupting regulatory processes, and not the reality. The new website explores the links between Exxonmobil, think tanks, corporate friendly scientists, and government officials.

Is It Hot in Here, or Is It Just Me?

Professor Sir David King, the British government's chief scientist, warned that Antarctica could become the world's only habitable place by the year 2100. King said that the last time atmospheric carbon dioxide levels were as high as they are now was 60 million years ago, during a period of rapid global warming, when "no ice was left on Earth.

'Cooler Heads' Deny Global Warming

As campaigning Republicans face attacks from environmentalist on climate change, industry friendly Consumer Alert has relaunched the Cooler Heads Coalition and its website

Gagging Sir David

Ivan Rogers, the principal private secretary to British Prime Minister Tony Blair, "tried to muzzle the Government's top scientific adviser after he warned that global warming was a more serious threat than international terrorism," report Steve Connor and Andrew Grice.

Global Warming: Hoax or National Security Threat?

A secret Pentagon report on global warming strongly contradicts White House claims about climate change. The report obtained by the Observer of London "warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020.

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