At the State of the Union 1/31/06, according to Google, the CNN story of 10:45 p.m. startled off with:
Peace activist Cindy Sheehan was arrested Tuesday in the House chambers after she unfurled an anti-war banner just minutes before President...
Unfortunately, there's no cached version of the story, but Political Cortex had the CNN story as follows:
CNN is reporting that Sheehan had 'unfurled an anti-war banner in the house chamber' just prior to arrest. It is still unknown what was written on the banner. They are also reporting that Capitol Hill police will hold Sheehan for at least one hour for questioning, keeping her until after President Bush's speech has concluded.
Then as of 11:45 pm the page reads,
An early report from a senior House official indicated that Sheehan was arrested for unfurling an anti-war banner.
Does that mean that CNN reports what the senior House officials dictate the news, rather than the reporters actually reporting it. No mention that CNN also reported it. No mention of what the T-shirt said, since the police said they didn't know, even though the Associated Press reported that police warned her that such displays were not allowed. When Sheehan did not respond, she was lifted out of her seat and taken in handcuffs to police headquarters for booking as Bush spoke. Were the CNN reporters even there?
David Swanson of said it was a black t-shirt "she was wearing all day, which had the number of U.S. troops killed in Iraq...It was already 'out of date' and she had to add 3 more to the previous number".
And tonight, as I looked up the link at 7:45 p.m., the CNN story doesn't even mention the House official. Again no cache. I guess I'll have to start using Google's individual cache feature.
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