Conor Kenny's News Articles

Network neutrality, telecom company cash and Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.)

Is the Internet about to change from a free-spirited marketplace of "may the best Web site win" to a top-down, corporate-controlled glorified cable package? A diverse coalition of bloggers, academics, citizens groups and non-profit organizations think we're in danger of just that.

Welcome To the Launch of Congresspedia

Welcome to the debut of Congresspedia, the "citizen's encyclopedia on Congress." Congresspedia is a bold new experiment by the Center for Media and Democracy and the Sunlight Foundation in distributed citizen journalism. It is based on the wiki model (think Wikipedia) and is a subset of the Center's SourceWatch wiki.

The reviews are coming in on Congresspedia

The Washington Post covered Congresspedia and the Sunlight Foundation in a story today. Instapundit, while approaching with caution, says he thinks our wiki model "transcends partisanship." We hope to keep it that way.

Congresspedia Review: Last Week in Congress (Nov. 10–16, 2007)

This week in Congress saw the showdown over the 2008 Budget come to a head and the reemergence of a partisan feud over Iraq War funding.

President Bush followed through on his threat to veto the Labor-HHS-Education spending bill last week, and though the margin was short, the House was unable to approve an override. Bush has promised vetoes for some of the other spending bills, so the future of the budget process remains uncertain.

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