Fighting Forward: A Labor & Working-Class Summit Comes to Madison This June
The 2013 National Conference of the Working Class Studies Association is a gathering of working people, community and labor activists, students and educators focused on building a revitalized movement in support of labor and the working class. This year the conference is taking place at the Madison College Downtown Education Center from June 12-15.
Sessions include:
- Renewed Labor-Community Engagement
- Women in the Labor Movement
- Exploring Class
- Putting Militancy Back in the Labor Movement
- Working Class Solidarity and Poor People's Movements
- Organizing Locally, Globally and Transnationally
- More than Madison: Wisconsin Organizing Statewide
CMD will participate in a discussion on the American Legislative Exchange Council and its anti-worker and wage suppression legislation. The full program, along with registration and logistical information, is available at
The event is organized by The Labor & Working-class Studies Project and The Working Class Studies Association and co-sponsored by the Center for Media and Democracy.
For more information, contact