New Report on ALEC’s Influence in Utah

As corporate lobbyists and state legislators from across the country meet in Salt Lake City for the 39th annual meeting of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a group of open government advocates has released a report called "ALEC in Utah: The Voice of Corporate Special Interests in the Halls of Utah's Legislature."
The report finds: "by comparing model bills available at and internal documents released by Common Cause in connection to its whistle-blower lawsuit with bills introduced in the Utah Legislature since 2011, this report documents that Utah legislators have made substantial direct use of ALEC model legislation and policy ideas. The Utah Legislature has too often acted as a pass-through for ALEC, introducing ALEC model language word for word on at least 17 occasions."
The report was released by Common Cause, the Center for Media and Democracy's ALEC Exposed Project, People for the American Way, Progress Now, and the Alliance for a Better Utah. The "ALEC in Utah" report is a further addition to a growing body of evidence that documents how ALEC is subverting our democracy.
Read the full report here.