CONTEST: Searching for High Quality ALEC Protest Photos/Video Suitable for Posting On-line

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ALEC (A Legislator for Every Corporation)Grassroots activism and consumer pressure have played a critical role in exposing the extreme policy proposals of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) over the past year. To date, 14 corporations and 34 legislators have decided to cut their ties with ALEC.

The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) wants to see the creative ways that you have worked to expose ALEC. CMD is calling for photos of protests, protestors, signs, video, cartoons, quilts, and any other submissions you may have that illustrate the ways in which average citizens have called attention to the ALEC corporate bill mill.

Yellow umbrella with eyes spray-painted on, with ALEC written in the pupil.The top three winners will receive an ALEC Exposed t-shirt and the top 10 will be featured in a blog post on CMD's

How to Submit Your Entry

Please send your entry to by May 13th. The subject line should read "ALEC Exposed Contest." The winners of the contest will be chosen by CMD's staff. Submissions will be used by CMD for future publications, with photographers/creators credited in the caption.

Thanks for your efforts to expose ALEC!