Live Reporting from the Wisconsin Protests

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It had to start somewhere.Since Monday, February 14, CMD reporters have been on the streets providing live coverage of the historic protests in Madison, Wisconsin and related legal and political battles. We focus on the corporations and spinmeisters pulling the strings. CMD is supported by small contributions from people like you. Consider making a contribution today. If you have scheduling information or tips for our reporters please contact us at (608) 260-9713 or


On July 13, 2011 CMD ended this on-going report into the Wisconsin protests which we have maintained since February 14, 2011. It has been an honor to report on the historic events from Wisconsin from our office 4 blocks from the Capitol and have this reporting picked up on so many sites across the country. Today we launch a new chapter in our reporting on the shadowy front groups and corporations behind the recent assault on workers rights and democracy. Visit our new website to learn more about the corporate agenda in Wisconsin and continue to visit for reporting on Wisconsin.
-- The CMD team.


Wisconsin State Journal: Democrats cry foul over Republican redistricting maps

Democratic leaders expressed shock and anger Friday after Republicans unveiled their proposal for redrawing the state’s congressional and legislative districts, saying the new lines favor the majority party and target Democrats involved in upcoming recall elections. But according to Republicans, 22 legislators will be affected, either by being drawn out of their district or by being paired with another legislator in their district. Of that group 12 are Republican, GOP leaders say. READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Was senator threatened on budget vote?

Aprominent business leader from state Sen. Rob Cowles' district was stunned when the veteran lawmaker explained why he voted in favor of Gov. Scott Walker's controversial budget-repair plan. Cowles had contacted the business leader earlier this year to ask for the person's support in his upcoming recall election. "He said, 'I didn't like this (bill) either. I didn't like being put in this position. I didn't like anything about the way it was done,' " the business leader quoted Cowles as saying. " 'But the governor's office told us if we didn't give them our support, they would run a tea party candidate against us.' " READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE.

Wisconsin State Journal: State gears up for recall season opener

On Tuesday, Wisconsin begins the largest recall season in its history. By the time the final vote is tallied on Aug. 16, there will have been nine recall elections; six for Republican senators and three for Democratic senators. If Democrats can hold onto their seats and take three more, they return to power in the state Senate and have a formidable weapon to use against Walker. Passage of Republican-authored legislation, which has seen virtually no opposition in the GOP-controlled Legislature, will slam to a halt. READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE.

La Crosse Tribune: Primary to be soft test for new voter ID law

Voters in Tuesday's primary election and next month's state Senate recall won't have to show a picture ID. But they will be asked. "It's a soft implementation to give everybody a chance to get used to it," said Reid Magney, spokesman for Wisconsin's Government Accountability Board, which oversees elections. "The idea was because this was such a big change we don't want to disenfranchise anyone by springing this on voters. READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE.

Bloomberg: Senator Johnson Says U.S. Can Avoid Default If Debt Ceiling Not Raised

The U.S. won’t have to default on its obligations to bondholders even if Congress fails to raise the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling by an August deadline, Republican Senator Ron Johnson said. “If we don’t increase the debt ceiling, we’ll have to live within our means,” the freshman from Wisconsin said in an interview on Bloomberg Television’s “Political Capital with Al Hunt” airing this weekend. READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE.

View PR Watch's photo montage of the protests in Wisconsin



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A FACT is something that actually exists; reality; truth.

A partial truth is not a fact. if you want to lecture about facts then try using some yourself.

The Clinton administration was benefitted by the THE CONTRACT WITH AMERICA. Remember Newt Gingrich? Remember when he shut down the federal government and brought Clinton to the middle? Clinton takes credit for Republican policies and so do left wing progressives.Public record; check the facts. The left is wrong. The right is wrong.

The Bush Administration was hurt by 9/11. Remember that? What about the DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS that eliminated the Contract with America? Start with welfare, food stamps, healthcare, free school lunches, etc for illegal immigrants. Nancy Pelosi? What did her husband's business receive from the Federal Government? Look at the liberal spending during the democratic reign in congress, raising the debt ceiling over and over. Former Bush administration defense secretary Rumsfeld - "the congress forced $10 billion on us that we did not want and did not need". Try facts.

You care about collective bargaining? Then do something about this President and stop misrepresenting previous administrations. The Obama bailout - shut down Chrysler motors permanently shuttering union auto plants. Those skilled workers are unemployable and are still out of work. Obama shut down American auto plants and put Canadian and Mexican plants back on line! Why doesn't that make you crazy? Obama closed American dealerships all over the country; the fallout was entire business districts, Mom and Pop shops, small businesses, etc that were dependent on the autodealership traffic for their livelihoods went out of businss.

The subprime mortgage mess; where did all of the money go that was earmarked for stressed homeowners? It didn't go to homeowners! It went to Obamas friends. Corrupt federal officials are stealing and killing the US economy and allowed to continue because they create these scenes, screaming look over there! Stop falling for it. Look at Franklin Raines former Fannie head and former Clinton official; should have been indicted but walked away with millions as a reward for his reckless, dispicable tenure that cripled the economy.

Why did the federal government bailout Goldman Sachs and put Goldman's biggest competitor, Lehman Brothers, out of business? Geitner? Bernanke? Paulson? Who do they report to? Who are their friends?

Why did the Obama administration exempt the SEC from the Freedom of Information Act? So the stealing could continue unabated? What are they hiding?

Obama's Fed Dept of Education has a $77 billion budget. We didn't have a dept of ed before Jimmy Carter. We were NO 1 in the world back then and now we are number 25! FACTS.

Public Pensions; Wisconsin's are 100% funded. Illinois are 50% funded; who will pay the retirement benefits when there isn't enough money for Illinois retirees? Maybe the Ponzi scheme of union growth? Same in Massachusetts. In 2025 90% of all State income taxes will be going to pay public union pensions of those States that are only partially funded now. Do you really think that THE PEOPLE will put up with that? Focus on eliminating corruption instead of beating up good people.

Stop the devisive name-calling. Stop blaming the wealthy, the successful hard working Americans who pay 75% of all taxes collected by the Fed. Stop pitting good working Americans against each other. It's people like you who are causing the loss of support from within with these stupid efforts. Too many union members are sick of the corruption, protection of the worst and the stealing of their retirement money.

Try some facts instead partial slant to bolster a position that is contributing to bankrupting America.

Unions were once great in this country; responsible for stopping abuses of so countless working men and women. Unions created safety in dangerous workplaces. Unions stopped illegal child labor. Unions created a living wage for the trades. Unions created benefits for labor. Unions were something good and something to be proud of.

The loons are endangering all of the good work of organized labor that came through tremendous sacrafice. For the sake of those who gave so much and for the sake of all of those members working now who need their retirement; calm down, stop all the hate speech, name-calling, empty finger pointing and destructive rebel rousing.

Use facts and stop spewing drivel.