Get Ready, Washington -- a Little Bit of Wisconsin Is Coming to DC!
Some of the Wisconsin politicians who just voted to destroy worker's rights are headed to Washington, D.C., to be showered in money from lobbyists for some of the biggest national and international corporations and banks. In response, the Center for Media and Democracy and our allies invite you to come to a rally to tell them you stand with Wisconsin workers and working people nationwide.
Tell them they should be ashamed to come to a ritzy lobbying firm to accept fat cat donations, with a minimum payment of $1,000 just to get in the door, after attacking the rights and jobs of working people. Such politicians in Wisconsin and across the country have been claiming they just want workers to pay their "fair share," while supporting handouts to corporate CEOs through tax benefits and failing to make sure that the big corporations that bankroll their political objectives actually pay their fair share of taxes in our society.
Come stand in solidarity with workers in Wisconsin and good people across the nation who are fighting draconian proposals to limit their rights and cut education and other essential programs that make our American communities strong. Join allies this Wednesday at 5 pm at Barbour Griffith & Rogers, LLC, at 601 Thirteenth St., N.W., Washington, DC, 2005. BGR is located on the 11th floor of The Homer Building.
P.S. We would never ever ask you for a $1,000 reward for taking away worker rights like these venal politicians, but we would welcome a one-time or recurring monthly donation of $10 to help us continue to fight these corporate toadies and the big corporations and overpaid CEOs trying to make everyone else sacrifice so the rich can get richer.