Environmental & Health Effects of Oil Dispersants a Mystery to BP and the Government

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson questions BP's widespread application of oil dispersants in the Gulf of Mexico, as does everyone else. According to Jackson, the government is "uncharted waters" with the use of dispersants in the Gulf of Mexico. "The amount of dispersant being used at the surface is unprecedented," Jackson says. BP is also applying the chemicals in the sub-sea environment. In addition, dispersant is stopping oil from collecting on water surface, where it can be more easily controlled.
BP's Web site gives the impression that dispersants "clean and control" ocean oil spills by putting the oil in a state where "it becomes a feast for the naturally-occurring microbes that inhabit the ocean." But dispersants do not clean the water, nor do they remove oil at all, but rather re-arrange where it exists, and change where it goes.
A 3-D Environmental Problem
In the absence of significant scientific data describing their environmental effects, EPA has scrambled to perform short-term testing on dispersants. The agency issued a relatively benign assessment of the dispersants' effects, but private-sector toxicologists, biologists and other experts are warning about the unknown consequences of applying dispersants in such quantities. Corexit, the optimistically-named dispersant most favored by BP, essentially turns a two-dimensional problem of oil floating on the ocean's surface into a three-dimensional problem where oil gets mixed with dispersants and, through the action of microbes, changes into yet other chemicals that "we know absolutely nothing about," says marine biologist and toxicologist Chris Pincetich, Ph.D., who specializes in pesticides. EPA's short-term testing on dispersants may have showed little effect on fish, but chemicals that kill no fish within a deadline of 96 hours (EPA's deadline) can cause a 97% kill rate shortly beyond that deadline. Thus, short terms tests mean little, says Dr. Pincetich, who concludes that BP and, through its complicity, the government are essentially conducting a huge, environmental experiment on the Gulf "the likes of which we have never seen." Another area for which we lack data is the impact on air quality of of burning large quantities of oil and dispersant/oil mixture, as is also ongoing in the Gulf.
Swimming in the Dark: Little Data Available on Dispersants
On May 8, three Louisiana government agencies dealing with health, environment and wildlife jointly wrote a letter (pdf) to BP CEO Tony Hayward seeking information about the dispersants BP was using: "We have serious concerns about the lack of information related to the use of dispersants in fighting the oil spill at and below the surface of the Gulf of Mexico," the officials wrote, "and what, if any, impact the dispersants could have on our people, water and air quality, as well as the wildlife, fisheries and vegetation of Louisiana's coastline and wetlands." They sought data from BP on the short and long-term effects of the use of the dispersants on water, seafood stocks, humans and wildlife over time, and information on what resources BP had to restore wetlands and fisheries harmed by dispersants.
The government and BP both lack crucial scientific information about dispersants. Nevertheless, BP continues to apply them in massive quantities on the Gulf, and the government seems powerless to stop the company from using them. On May 23, EPA and the Coast Guard ordered BP to reduce its use of dispersant by 75 percent from its peak usage. Over the next month, though, BP reduced its usage only 68 percent, so application is still ongoing in one of the biggest environmental experiments ever performed.
You can see photos of the real impact of BP's oil blowout on the Gulf and its wildlife here.
Having watched this from afar I am pleased to see the leak has finally stopped and were now at the beginning of the end
Hopefully now the enviromental clean up can really start knowing there is no more oil to come.
BP oil spill
According to Popular Science, "Dispersants have never been applied on this scale, leaving environmental scientists guessing about the consequences. "
I just hope the cap holds and that the oil cleanup is succesful.
And what of the relief wells?
There is precious little talk about the need for the relief wells.. Seems like a wing and a prayer that the "cap" will stay affixed. Moreover, it has been postulated that more than one relief well will be needed. Part of the dubious price of drilling at 5000feet!
I would like to know why
I would like to know why these dispersants were never tested and then got the approval when so many other more effective methods are still on the table.
BP Oil Spill
BP has today claimed that it has finally stopped the spilling of oil. We shall see. And we shall see how they meet the costs of the devastation caused thusfar.
I sure hope this mess gets cleaned up soon before we lose even more sea life. So sad to see the images of dead fish and birds.
straw and oil eating microbes
Of course, these bio remedies are not being used.
Can we all acknowledge now that BP poisoned the World intentionally? Three warehouses full of microbes that eat oil, folks posting to youtube on the use of grasses to soak up the oil, all of it, and the grasses roll to shore, collect them and have it contained, and where it lands, use the microbes, which would have left behind only fish food.
Microbes worked in the water too.
Sad, very sad.
Very intentional.
Are we going to get to the bottom of responsibility? If we do not, they will continue. We could have been all green with energy at least 10 years ago, look at China and what they did in only ONE year!
We, the People have to be diligent, or lose it all.
May God go with us!
Who owns the dispersant
Who owns the dispersant company? BP
Who had all of this massive amounts of some horrible otherwise useless chemical right there to dump into the oceans? BP
Why would they even make such poison....only one reason....this!
Why do they not brag up their tactics? We wouldn't buy it!
Who gets paid first....the subsidiary, in other words....BP keeps its mega bucks!!
Will we demand to know all of the details and track this back to its source, putting away for life the perpetrators of crimes against humanity---ALL of the whole EARTH's humanity?
It's now or never folks! I think it must rest with our nonprofits to pursue this, as government is easily controlled by the elite. If all nonprofits do this in concert...it is too widespread and not yet in the grasp of the elite...we MIGHT have a chance.
Do NOT wait for testing! What parent would do that? Yeah, you can use jimmy's drugs until I get lab work back and have tested it for 30 years of trials????
We have to do it all together and NOW!
Dispersants in the Gulf oil mess--another case of the cure being worse than the ailment. Chemicals, including lawn fertilizer, are causing too many problems in several aspects of our lives.
Oil Spill and Jobs
Although it is clear the damage that the oil spill and dispersants are doing, we hear calls to resume drilling. Had the same politicians been in office, we would still be using lead paint, DDT would be sprayed everywhere and aerosol cans would be king--wouldn't want to lose any jobs. Where were all these people when jobs were being shipped to China, India and third-world countries? Why is it we only want THESE jobs? Business is now subsidized as if they are doing us a favor by selling their product. So we build stadiums to keep teams, we build Walmarts so the next town doesn't get them and we pay the cost of doing business while the company gets subsidized, tax breaks, offshore accounts and gives its employees fewer benefits and less pay (except the guys at the top who live like royalty). Perhaps, it is only fair that oil is ruining our coast as we are the ones using most of it. And I don't accept that it's the fault of the American people and their gas guzzlers. Politicians have failed to do anything to move us into more appropriate fuels; in the pockets of oil companies although they've made campaign pledges for decades. Even Hummers got a $5K subsidy. Yeah, I'd like an electric car but my government has made sure that the only one I can get doesn't hurt the oil industry--it costs far to much to be a threat. CA tried and failed to require electric cars and that failure was due to unwillingness of car companies and politics not lack of consumer demand. And I'd like solar power and wind power and an end to bottled water and higher MPG standards. Congress can do more in one minute by legislating than volunteers can do in a lifetime. They just don't. Our government is so broken and I suspect it will become more polarized so I don't really see any significant solution on the horizon. If Bush tax cuts are extended, I fear I won't be able afford to live here anymore as the tax burden on me - middle class - will be too great and the cost of health care as I get older beyond my capacity to pay. This country CAN do better. It just won't. .L Richards