Congresspedia at YearlyKos

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I’m in Las Vegas for the next few days for the YearlyKos convention (fear not, right-leaning readers, I’ll also be at the Conservative Political Action Conference next March). I’m here because has become a booming and vibrant online community of the sort of activists and citizen journalists we hope will not only make good use of the site for informational purposes but will also be coming to Congresspedia and SourceWatch in greater numbers to contribute to the collective knowledge here.

In particular, we want to engage citizen journalists that run blogs or diaries that cover their own representative and senators. To that end we’ve created a “local blogs and discussion sites” section in the profile of every member of Congress. If you’d like to add your own blog or diary to your member of Congress’ profile, you can find them by clicking the link on the Congresspedia front page to “Members of Congress listed by name” or “Members of Congress listed by State”. You’ll have to register in order to edit the page or I’d be happy to do it for you – just email me: Conor AT . If any YearlyKos attendees would like to learn more about Congresspedia, I’ll be around all weekend and will be exhibiting at table T-30 during exhibition hours. Also, check the Congresspedia homepage for updates over the next few days.