PR Watch Archives: 2001
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- Terrorism as Pretext
- Flack Attack
- The Junkman's Answer to Terrorism: Use More Asbestos
- PR Watch Launches Free "Weekly Spin" Email News
- Terrorism to End Terrorism
- The Pentagon's Information Warrior: Rendon to the Rescue
- Keep America Beautiful: Grassroots Non-Profit or Tobacco Front Group?
- Flack Attack
- Corporations "Get Engaged" to the Environmental Movement
- Endangered Wildlife Friends Are Here!
- Correction: Burson-Marsteller and the Global Climate Coalition
- PR Week Offers Free Advice to Philip Morris
- Spy TV: Just Who is the Digital TV Revolution Overthrowing?
- Flack Attack
- A Dumbed-Down Version of the Internet
- Boob-Tube Babies: How I-TV Reinvents "Fun" for Children
- Fired Fox-TV Journalists Win Goldman Environmental Prize
- PR Watch Website Launches "Spin of the Day"
- WPP: World Propaganda Power
- Craig Shirley Does the Disabled
- Save the Whalers
- Flack Attack
- Tele-Press Associates: Flacking for Whalers for 21 Years
- Science With a Bloody Harpoon
- Shandwick Works to Save the Fox, Kill the Whale
- Kicking APCO's Habit (letter to the editor)
- Berman & Co.: "Nonprofit" Hustlers for the Food &Booze Biz
- The Legend of the Salad Bar
- No Choice on GM Foods
- Tough Issues, Tough World