Index of PRWatch Articles About ALEC

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This is an index of in-depth analysis by the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) of the American Legislative Exchange Council's (ALEC's) agenda and corporate involvement published starting in July 2011, when CMD launched

About ALEC

Corporate Agenda

ALEC's Agenda in States

ALEC and Democracy


ALEC and "Tort Reform"


Dumping ALEC

ALEC Nationally

ALEC Internationally


ALEC, Guns, and "Stand Your Ground"

ALEC and the Kochs

ALEC and Worker Rights

ALEC and Education

ALEC and Economic Policy

ALEC, Immigration, and Prisons

ALEC and Health Care

ALEC and the Environment

ALEC's Tax Status and "Scholarships"

ALEC and the Media