King of Fools Crown and Scepter Delivery

Event Date: Friday, April 1, 2011 - 9:45am

Taking place at:
Wisconsin State Capitol
South Hamilton Street Entrance
Madison, WI

Subject: King of Fools Coronation and
Proclamation Itinerary
remember to dress appropriately. Fool and/or clown garb

April 1
9:45am Fools gather at South Hamilton Street entrance
Move to the Rotunda
10:05am Moment of Silence and Pennies for
Congressman Duffy collection
10:08am Procession to the Governor’s
10:15am Presentation of the Crown and Scepter, Reading of the
Proclamation, Pomp and Circumstance by kazoo orchestra
10:30am Clown
nose delivery to select Senators (three groups)
10:45am Distribution
of proclamations and press releases to other Senate and Assembly