Wisconsin People's Assembly (Sponsored by Wisconsin Wave)

Event Date: Saturday, April 9, 2011 - 12:00pm

Event Website: Wisconsin People's Assembly

Taking place at:
Madison Area Technical College: Downtown Campus
211 North Carroll Street
Madison, WI 53703

They have their house. It's time we built our own house. It's time for the . . .
Register now for the Wisconsin People's Assembly
The evening of Saturday, April 9th through the evening of Sunday, April 10th

Downtown Campus of Madison Area Technical College



Spend Sunday, April 10th, and the previous Saturday evening, in
Madison with hundreds if not thousands of other Wisconsinites as we
convene the first in a series of meetings of the Wisconsin People’s
Assembly. By participating in the Assembly, you will have the
opportunity to meet, learn from, and build lasting personal connections
with Wisconsinites coming from all trades, communities, and backgrounds.
Together, we will create the kind of solidarity and strategies required
to overcome the corporate takeover of our state, reverse the damage
that has already been done, and win reforms that strengthen Wisconsin's
democracy for future generations to come.

This first Wisconsin People's Assembly will focus on three common themes:
  • Building a Popular Movement -- that overcomes segregation and discrimination and unites all of us in common cause.
  • Direct Action Campaigning -- in order to achieve the will of the people when the official government closes its doors to us.
  • Winning Democracy -- by strengthening local democracy, expanding participation, democratizing elections, and amending our constitution.
The Wisconsin People’s Assembly is convened by the Wisconsin Wave, a
popular mobilization of workers, students, farmers, small business
owners, the unemployed, retirees and others against corporatization and
austerity, and for democracy and shared prosperity. The Wisconsin Wave
is organized around a founding document, available here, and the following six principles:
  1. Our state government must guarantee a fully funded public sector
    including education, health care, human services, transportation, public
    safety, and vital regulatory agencies.
  2. Taxes on large corporations and wealthy individuals should be
    returned to reasonable levels in order to solve the state’s fiscal
  3. The state must respect the rights of workers to organize unions and bargain collectively.
  4. Initial budget priorities must be established through public
    participation instead of closed door meetings between public officials
    and special interest lobbyists.
  5. Voting rights must be expanded, not limited, to insure that every Wisconsinite can take part in our democracy.
  6. Wisconsin deserves government of, by, and for the people, not the
    corporate elite; corporations have no constitutional rights and may not
    buy our elections or government.

For more information on the Wisconsin Wave, see the website at http://www.WisconsinWave.org. If your organization would like to endorse this movement, please click here.