Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun

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Smith & Wesson Breast Cancer Awareness PistolOctober was Breast Cancer Awareness month, and the group Breast Cancer Action seized on the opportunity to promote its Think Before you Pink campaign to raise awareness of how companies are increasingly exploiting breast cancer as a marketing device to sell products -- some of which are actually harmful to women's health. Pink ribbon campaigns are offering up some bizarre, albeit benign products like a breast cancer awareness toaster and a breast cancer awareness floating Beer Pong table. But the most bizarre item yet to have a pink ribbon slapped on it must be Smith & Wesson's Pink Breast Cancer Awareness 9 mm Pistol, promoted by a woman named Julie Goloski, Smith and Wesson's Consumer Program Manager and a sharpshooter herself. Goloski is promoting S&W's breast cancer awareness pistol on her Facebook page, saying "October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Breast Cancer Awareness M&P’s are shipping to dealers. I am thrilled to have my name associated with such a worthy cause and one of my favorite firearms." According to a 2008 report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, firearms are the second most common cause of violent deaths of women, accounting for 29.2% of all violent deaths among females in the U.S. in 2008.


What About Self Defense?

You mention that women are killed by people using guns but you don't mention that women also use guns every day to defend themselves.

Kind of a double standard don't you think?

Anne is not interested in that.

Anne is not interested in thinking about the fact that guns are not just used to kill people in homicides, but are also used defensively to prevent homicides. I don't think she's responded to ANY of the dozens of people raising your point.

In her book, guns are ONLY bad, and can ONLY be used for evil.

i think you all have missed the point of the article....

I feel that the point of the article was missed. The article was meant to make everyone take awareness of the exploitation that companies are doing to the Breast Cancer Awareness program. Companies are using consumerism and greed to sell their products; I wonder how many checks and balances are in place to make sure that these companies actually get some of the procedes to breast cancer research......

Misplaced Blame

This article blames inanimate objects (guns) for the deaths of women instead of the people who use those objects.

It's sad when finding a cure for cancer is less important than someone's anti-gun agenda.

"one of the leading causes

"one of the leading causes of death in women" Really? Well, if you count 10th place as "one of the leading". And that's the ranking for men and women together, and included deaths from gang warfare, self defense shootings, and deaths by police.

I would suggest you read "Armed and Female" by Paxton Quigley.

Read carefully

Note the CDC's report was in regard to the leading violent causes of death in women.
Anne Landman

But like I mentioned above ...

But like I mentioned in my comment above, while guns might be used in 29% of women's violent deaths, there's a much more common factor in women's violent deaths, and that's MEN. Whether they use a firearm, poison, knives, fire or their fists, men are the leading cause of violent death among women.

Is it inappropriate for men to contribute to the breast cancer cause?

Your comment above (2nd

Your comment above (2nd comment in the list) , verbatim. "The point is, a company that manufactures a device that is one of the leading causes of death in women"

If you misquote the original article, don't complain that we are as well.

I notice that you have no reply to the comments that show self defense use far outnumbers the cases of a firearm causing death among women.

The Real World


When us gunny types see that pink gun, we think it's a WOMAN's gun, not the attacker's gun. Some women are gunnies themselves (many of whom think pink guns are silly, by the way). Male gunnies have wives or girlfriends, female friends and neighbors and colleagues, daughters, mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers and aunts. We want them safe.

With reasonable training and practice, an armed woman's chances of surviving an attack are very good (naturally, everybody should avoid dangerous places as much as possible -- it's always safest never to be attacked at all). Any normal woman with a gun is infinitely more dangerous to a rapist than to herself. I know women who shoot. They are competent and confident people. Come to think of it, pretty much all of the women I know who *don't* shoot are competent and confident, too. Most adults are. If they can be trusted with a car -- and women wrap their cars around a lot less trees than men do -- they can be trusted with firearms.

Men are bigger and stronger than women. When a man attacks a woman, he probably doesn't need the advantage of a weapon. The woman probably does need that advantage. Even if we could make all guns vanish (and that's not possible), unarmed women would still have as much to fear as they do now. If both parties have weapons, she's at least got an even chance, which she wouldn't have if neither were armed.

So. Bottom line: What that gun signifies to S&W and to Julie Goloski is enabling women to defend themselves, and that is absolutely consistent with supporting breast cancer research. I know it signifies something else to you. I get that. You may disagree with our reasoning, but the whole debate will make more sense to everybody if you at least know what our reasoning is.