Protesters Spotlight Corporate Influence in State Politics at ALEC Annual Meeting

As they sometimes say in the South, it's all about taking care of bid'ness.
But don't tell that to the group of 100 or so protesters, who on Friday afternoon marched on the Marriott hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana (NOLA), where corporate lobbyists were voting with state lawmakers on "model" legislation at the American Legislative Exchange Council's (ALEC) 38th Annual Meeting.
The protest, organized in part by Louisiana State University's Student Labor Action Project, the Defend Ohio Campaign, and activists from across the country, began at the Hale Boggs Federal Building in downtown NOLA. That same day, members of the local community also gathered to celebrate the conviction of five police officers on charges stemming from the notorious Danziger Bridge case. A federal jury found the officers guilty of civil rights violations in the shootings of unarmed citizens.
Leon Clark, a 39-year-old engineer from New Orleans, came for the Denziger verdict, which he said disproved the rumor that citizens had ever shot at citizens in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. He also had sharp words for politicians he believed had been corrupted by "corporate greed."
"Why aren't major politicians here today? Because they've been bought by the elitists. When corporations control the dollars, they also control the government."
At the Marriott, nearly 2,000 state legislators, the majority of whom are Republicans, met behind closed doors with corporate representatives to discuss the design and implementation of ALEC model legislation, and vote side by side on these bills. The event also featured speeches from Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal and Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, two well known GOP figures whose luncheon presentations were sponsored, respectively, by PhRMA and Visa.
Nathan Anderson, a member of the Student Labor Action Project, or "SLAP," and one of the main organizers of Friday's protest, described ALEC's role in perpetuating corporate influence in state and local governments.
"We want a society that is actually democratic and doesn't put the interests of the top one percent above the interests of the working class majority," he said.
"People need to stop ignoring the reality of ALEC's organizational structure -- They're writing our laws and putting them in the pockets of our legislators."
Anderson was proud to have the protests reflect the increasing national awareness of ALEC. Activists from Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Louisiana joined him for Friday's demonstration.
Mark Haller, a General Electric inspector from Erie, Pennsylvania, who also flew to Cincinnati for the April protest at ALEC's spring summit, joined the movement in New Orleans to "kick ALEC out of the corporatocracy" that he says they have created in state governments across the country.
Despite strict instructions from protest organizers to remain peaceful and respect public property, a group of self-proclaimed anarchists purportedly from "NOLA Anarcha" spray-painted an anarchist symbol on the front of the Marriott, creating a deep rift between themselves and the rest of the protesters.
Adam Stant, one of the organizers of the protest against ALEC that took place in Cincinnati, expressed his extreme disappointment over the unauthorized disruption by the anarchists, whose actions he said distorted the working-class message of the protest.
"The Protest ALEC organization did not want people to do this. We made very clear the guidelines. I'm very disappointed that individuals have chosen to denigrate all the work we put into this because of their own selfishness," he said.
ALEC staffers and plain-clothes policemen immediately took pictures of the graffiti. Stant, visibly dismayed by the sudden turn of events, worried that it was this image that would be played endlessly on TV, not the images of the non-violent solidarity of the organized protestors. He also had warned members of NOLA Anarcha and their unknown affiliates prior to Friday not to do anything crazy at the event.
Prior to the march, activists, labor organizers, and long-time ALEC investigators spoke about their experiences with the largely secretive organization, and the effects of model legislation introduced in their state.
Bob Sloan, a blogger at DailyKos, spoke of ALEC legislation giving prisoners jobs that once belonged to the public sector.
"It all started with ALEC. Their Prison Industries Act, their Privatization of Facilities Act. A lot of people don't know that inmates are being used all over the country to turn profits for corporations like Geo Group and Corrections Corporation of America that have belonged to ALEC."
Local musician David Rovicks performed, infusing his music with references to the extremes in the distribution of wealth in America and the efforts of activists and liberals to protect people's rights in the face of powerful organizations and institutions.
Protesters discussed the need for a national effort to dismantle the ALEC-forged "partnership" between elected officials and corporations. The lack of national media coverage also upset Sally Stevens, a local resident who has spent her entire life fighting poverty.
"Its definitely disappointing," she said. "Their weapon of choice is manufacturing poverty. The only power I have is to call them out and do my best to prove them wrong."
NOLA anarchists
I guess that's pretty revolutionary, then, spray-painting a symbol on a building. Why, if everybody spray-painted in this way, the authorities would be overturned easily.
From Nola Anarcha's 'About Me'
Nola Anarcha
New Orleans, Louisiana
A collective of anarchists running a website to spread the resistance to all forms of oppression. We are anarchists, and that means we will unashamedly advocate anarchist solutions to the problems we face. We support movements but we don't wait for them. We are in the thick of it.
Nuff said
" We are anarchists, and that means we will unashamedly advocate anarchist solutions to the problems we face. We support movements but we don't wait for them. We are in the thick of it."
At the protest those dressed in black and claiming to be anarchists - and now claiming to not be affiliated with NOLA Anarcha - handed out flyers to the protesters, signed with "NOLA Anarcha" at the bottom. They can't even be honest in claiming their unwanted participation and quickly throw out that the one arrested was from Biloxi, again trying to put distance between themselves and a member of their group that attended, dressed in similar attire, chanting the same slogans, marching with them.
I attended from Indiana as a member of the Protest Alec group. Others came from Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and elsewhere. We proudly identified with the activism and took part.
Simply because the one who was arrested was from outside LA., does not mean he wasn't representing NOLA Anarcha (even if they don't exist as claimed by the pro-anarchist responses to this article.
NolaAnarcha is a blog. It doesn't have any members, dumdum. Also, the boy arrested is from Biloxi. No affiliation, hun.
My ALEC Protest attendence
I did NOT fly, I drove both to Cincinnati and New Orleans for theses events.
I'm sure you've considered the possibility that the NOLA Anarcha people were planted there by one of the Koch brothers' hit squads.
you are really slimy, sir. your unethical, un-fact checked reporting should be an embarrassment to a group supposedly concerned with media and democracy.
The young man arrested, having allegedly spraypainted on the Mariott, no doubt acted out in frustration at the complete lack of spine anyone else has shown in actually confronting the likes of ALEC and their corporate members. Your protest would not have accomplished a damn thing even if there were no anarchists there, and you know it.
The unethical part comes in when you say:
#1) that it was a group of people who spraypainted. Did you see more than one person do it? There were plenty of cameras there, is there any photos?
#2) that the person spraypainting was with NOLA Anarcha. We don't know who painted that wall, but it was no one from the collective that runs the NOLA Anarcha blog. Where is any evidence? Did you even ask us if we were responsible? no. (Not that we disagree with it, that response to ALEC was the only one that comes close to being appropriate for the things they've done in pursuit of profit).
And, #3, that singer you praise, guess what? He is an anarchist too! Oh My! We are everywhere! Hide under your sheets! Blame us for the progressive ineffectiveness in the face of the greatest increase in corporate power since the time before the Great Depression. That should work.
You probably still belive in Obama, too, don't ya? You are delusional. Wake up, maybe read some Chris Hedges. I hear The Death of the Liberal Class is pretty decent.
ad hominem anarchism
You seem to be doing more "protesting" HERE than you did at the ALEC meeting! Are YOU, perhaps, a Corporate plant? All these Corporations, and Right-Wing-Zealots seem to want anarchy, too (You know, "Every Corporation for themself."), just like you ("Every anarchist for himself").
I think your posts are ad hominem and childish, and should be deleted.
viva la (European Socialism) revolucion! It's certainly better than "American" fascism!
Dear Sir or Madam:
I think you go too far when you assert that the reporter is unethical. The reports at the scene were that individuals connected to NOLA Anarcha were involved in the vandalism.
You can easily request a correction if you are part of NOLA Anarcha and the collective believes this reportng to be in error. If the individual who spraypainted the hotel was not connected in any way with the collective, I am sure that can be easily addressed with a correction, rather than name-calling.
Also, I don't read the report as being critical of your political beliefs or those of the singer; rather the report quotes other people who worked to organize a peaceful, non-violent, non-destructive protest as expressing disappointment over the disruption and vandalism, which the organizers did indeed object to.
You also assume the reporter has not read Chris Hedges and offer other assorted ad hominem attacks. Talk about assuming facts not in evidence....
Reference spray-painting at ALEX protest
I have to partially agree that sometimes a STRONGER protest demonstration is needed. I have not seen "peaceful" protests that have any real impact for changes we need in the way politics is going in this country. I really believe we need nothing short of outright COUNTER-REVOLUTION IN RESPONSE to the revolution that is taking place from above, in the chambers of our legislatures across the country. You are either with the American people who are being persecuted and deceived, or you are a "peaceful" person who "gets along" with the revolutionaries, like our compromising President. We all need to follow the example set by that great revolutionary Che Guevarra, et al and be true to our convictions that all people in this country deserve the right to vote, the right to justice, the right to the pursuit of happiness - not the majority subjected to the rights of a minority.